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Jim Carrey at Lorraine
18 Feb 2020    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Whilst Jim was in London, he did a lot of interviews promoting "Sonic the Hedgehog". One of them was Lorraine. A breakfast programme on British television network ITV

The start of the conversation is about Sonic and how funny the movie is and that it has jokes for everyone: children and parents and that kids will wanna see it over and over again. To Jim that's amazing: "it's been a very gratifying thing in my life to have done a few characters that keep revisiting new generations of people so I get the ten year old and the 40 year old that tells me about Ace Ventura. Rappers dressing up like the Mask. Eminem said I was responsible for his Diamond album that I wrote it and I'm like 'Come on, please!' if you look at the cover of the album it's basically the poster for man on the moon revised version of it with the red curtain and everything and I was just blown away by that."

Lorraine also asks if there's going to be a Sonic 2 and Jim doesn't hesitate: "I would love it yeah, I really had a good time doing it. Jeff Fowler the sweetest guy in the world and I loved seeing these guys bring this stuff to life aesthetically the movie is beautiful (…)"

Jim is a talented man who does many different things and Lorraine points that out. Jim agrees: "It's just creativity kind of flowing over the edges in every direction. I also became a cartoonist. This is crazy I mean I don't know how all this happened but that's my mother's talent being handed down to me. She got up in the middle of the night and would paint pictures and stuff so when I draw, I paint, I sculpt it's like I've spent 40 years with the talent my father handed to me he tremendous storyteller and now I have this whole other side where I get to kind of exploit the talent my mother get handed me."

Such a great interview! Check out the video:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more come.

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