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Jim Carrey at Absolute Radio
18 Feb 2020    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

One more great interview when Jim Carrey was in England to promote "Sonic the Hedgehog". Jim Carrey did an interview for Absolute Radio, where all the questions came from a bingo like game.

After spinning the box, which the host uses because: "It's the only piece of technology that I could find that is the same speed as Sonic". Jim then answers the first questions jokingly about what he used to play as a kid:
"Hide the Weasel. In the bathtub."

After a few laughs it's time to spin again to find the next question, this time about what's his signature dish:
"Well, I gotta say I've become a bit of a chef. I decided to control all the aspects of my life, even my own fuel. So, the other day I made "Pumpkin Spice eggs and veggies".

Next question is about bucket list, since Sonic has one they were wondering what's in Jim's:
"To explode into a ball of light"

Then a scenario is played for Jim: "A time machine can transport you back to one musical gig. Which one do you pick?" and Jim doesn't hesitate:
"I would have to say I'd go to a very rainy day in Woodstock. I get naked and I go down that mud hill, and then I'd listen to Jimi Hendrix."

They also wanna know if Jim could be any character that he has played for the rest of his life which one would he be:
"All that is, ever was, and ever will be, which is the character I play in life. You see, all of England is just happening inside me. That's right. Yeah, you can't Brexit me, buddy. You can't do it."

Finally the last question comes: "Who has the best facial hair in history?"
Jim answers: "Oh, Russell Brand's getting up there. He's pretty good."

Check out the video here:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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