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15 May 1999    

BCDavis ()

You know the old cliché? Sure you do. The one about a man in a uniform. You go into various Jim Carrey fan sites, chat rooms and the like, and this cliché is a consensus among an often unnoticed, yet quite numerous section of Jim Carrey fandom. The female Carreyholic contingent. That's what many of them are saying about Jim's costume for his upcoming film, "Me, Myself and Irene."

The Rhode Island State Troopers have been voted as having the best looking law enforcement uniforms in the United States. I agree. Classy and eye-catching at the same time, they remind me of the uniforms worn by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Jim Carrey himself has loved the Rhode Island uniforms since he first saw them on "Late Night With David Letterman" years back.

Directing brothers (and Rhode Island natives) Peter and Bobby Farrelly went to great lengths to make sure Carrey looked the part of a Rhode Island trooper down to the nines - even down to the same regulation shoe polish (brown Kiwi with parade gloss), and how the radio is to hang over his shoulder.

And what do the officers of the Rhode Island State Trooper unit think? They think Carrey could sign up with the force if he decides the film career isn't his cup of tea anymore. In any case, most of the female Carreyholics agree: Jim Carrey could pull them over for speeding any day… In Rhode Island, that is.

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