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"Bruce Almighty" script review!
09 Aug 2002    

Here we go, thanks to Bruce Insider, we have the very first script review of "Bruce Almighty". However please note that there are heavy spoilers, so if you prefer to keep the movie plot a surprise don't highlight the invisible paragraph.

«My father knows the [deleted for protection] of Buffalo New York. Yesterday, he brought home a copy of the script for Jim Carrey's new movie "Bruce Almighty". The movie is set in Buffalo. And to clear up rumors that Carrey is only God for a day, he actually has the powers for more than a week. Jim receives the powers after complaining about his "mediocre life".

[Warning, massive spoilers ahead!] He meets with God, and they have a chat standing ON TOP of the waters of Lake Erie. Once Jim has the job of God, he does many things. He pleases himself by making his girlfriend (Jennifer Aniston) even more beautiful, gets a Jaguar car, and after being fired by the job gets re-hired after doing a major news story for ABC news. God gets mad at Jim because he is only doing things for himself, and so he can keep the powers, Jim starts helping out many other people. Soon God is ready to get his job back, and Jim learned his lesson, so everyone lives happily ever after. [End spoilers]

From reading the script, I can immediatly tell that this will be a HYSTERICAL movie! Production is set to begin in Buffalo on Labor Day, and the scheduled release (CBS BUFFALO) is April 11, 2003.»

-- With a gigathanks to Bruce Insider for this Almighty review. Click to comment this article.

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