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Almighty Jim!
13 Feb 2002    

M.T. Moura (JCO Editor-In-Chief)

While talking to Chicago Sun-Times columnist Bill Zwecker last Sunday, Tom Shadyac (of "Pet Detective" and "Liar Liar" directorial fame), let out some clues that might answer the current biggest question going around the Carrey community: "What is he doing next??"

Rumors, as usual, have been flying rampant. Some of more substance than others, one even looked pretty much as a sure thing until it was dropped like a hot potato by the studio, i.e., "Dog Years". The suspense builds up to Olympus heights, and among the possibilities are "Hughes", a biopic on the life of the famous eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes, to be directed by Christoper Nolan ("Memento"), "Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind", "The Children of the Dust Bowl", and even (you'll hear it first here), a mysterious project with Angelina Jolie titled "The Matador" - Olé!

But it looks like Tom Shadyac is getting some nice advantage points over the rest. As he puts it "It's not a done deal, but there's a good chance Jim and I will make our next picture together in Chicago."

But what movie will that be? Although he didn't specify past the point that it was a comedy, there might be a chance it's "Bruce Almighty". This project has been in development for quite a while at Shady Acres Entertainment/Universal and Carrey was said to be "attached" to it since mid 2000.

If this hypothesis proves to be true, Carrey might play Bruce, an everyday guy who at some point gets frustrated at life and curses God. Because criticizing is easy but doing is hard (could Bruce be a movie critic? Hmm...) God summons him and challenges him to trade places for a day. What's the catch? If Bruce doesn't do a better job, humanity reverts back to the dark ages. No sweat.

So, it's time to place your bets. Comedy? Drama? Dramady? Will it really be "Bruce Almighty", or a totally different project? All things considered, perhaps betting on a comedy right now would not only prove to be a nice change of pace, but also the best strategic move, in light of the less than satisfying "Majestic" results.

Waiting to see.

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