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More "Majestic" sightings
08 Jul 2001    

These stories sent by Geoff Spenceley who was an extra on "The Majestic", and one of his colleagues, who wished to remain anonymous, were already added to the "Sightings" area a few days ago, but since we'd like them available through our News/Majestic database, we've decided to add them to this area too:

by Geoff Spenceley

I was an "extra" for "The Majestic" and I live in McKinleyville, which lies north of Ferndale on the road to Trinidad where filming also took place. So here is the story that may interest you.

McKinleyville is a small unincorporated town that developed on what was once the highway 101. On Central Ave, the main drag, is located a simple bar where locals gather, namely; Central Station. Sometimes there is country music on weekends. It's not a fancy bar, just one typical of small towns, very basic, yet with character.

Well, you know how celebrities attempt to remain unnoticed as they seek privacy in their daily lives. How about having a cup of coffee or a beer or two during their travels without being harassed, where do they go and what kind of establishment do they choose?

April 18, Jim C and James Whitmore passed through McKinleyville on their way to, or from Trinidad to stop off for refreshments about 10am. They simply drove into the parking lot of "Central Station" which had not yet opened, knocked on the door and requested permission to enter. They were allowed in, had a couple of beers, left a handsome $9 tip and went on their way. While there, they did mention that the motif was better than a similar type bar in Ferndale where most of the filming was done. Yes, they did have a driver, so did not drive and drink. They had the quiet moment they needed.

I think this was wonderful--especially since the bar owner is a Limey (like me) whom I know well. Jim and James were polite and my friend treated them accordingly. We have the chairs they sat in marked!!

This letter is unusual since I am not a celebrity fan. However the movie is going to be an award winner and having had the opportunity to watch Jim closely--he is an excellent actor. Having acted in community theater for 60 years, my opinion must be of some substance.

Outside Central Station
Outside Central Station.
'Jim Carrey sat here!'
"Jim Carrey sat here!"
Opposite perspective
Opposite perspective.
© Geoffrey Spenceley

by Anonymous

Okay I didn't want to write anything, but after I saw that Spenceley (an extra I had the pleasure of working with) wrote in, I just had to. Well I also got to work as an extra on "The Majestic". On my second day I had to leave a scene in the Diner b/c I was feeling faint. About 20 minutes later when I was walking from where I had been resting I heard a voice ask me If I was feeling better. I looked up and it was Jim. I was a bit startled that he would be concerned with my well-being but after I got back to where the rest of the extras were, one told me that he had specifically asked about me and if I was doing alright. I answered him "Yes I'm feeling better thanks for your concern." After that my opinion on him changed drastically. Before I started doing the movie I didn't really think much of him, but now I know he is a good guy.

A few weeks later I was doing a scene where a couple (another man and I) are purchasing tickets at the Majestic window from Jim. It was about 2AM and I was tired and I was displaying that tiredness by yawning. Jim looked at me and said "You should be in bed." I told him I had been at the set since 7AM that morning. He looked at me and was like "7? Wow." And also about a week later we were shooting scenes in Fort Bragg and in between scenes Jim walked by me and looked at me and said "Hey, what's up? How you've been?" So I had 3 nice encounters with him. Watching him get into character and work with his acting coach was really cool as well. In the ticket booth that night we did the ticket scene he was singing the 70's song "Black Betty" by Ram Jam. That was pretty funny. Working as an extra was a really great experience. I learned a lot but most of all I made some really great friends. It's an experience I'll never forget. It would be hard to.

-- With many thanks to Geoff Spenceley and Anonymous for the "Sightings". Click to comment this article.

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