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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Pictures from "The Majestic" sets #5 - The Majestic
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Pictures from "The Majestic" sets #5 - The Majestic
01 Apr 2001    

There was lots of filming around the Majestic this past week, so we thought it would be a good timing to bring you another series of photos of this set. The photos reveal the details of its facade and entrance and show the enourmous amount of work, patience and skill required to bring this inspired design to life.

Late afternoon on Monday...this is 'busy' defined. Filming starts in the morning Last-minute repairs to get the Majestic's tower-sign perfected
Left: Late afternoon on Monday 19...this is "busy" defined. Filming starts in the morning. Right: Last-minute repairs to get the Majestic's tower-sign perfected. Photos and captions © Ferndale Fritz.

These great photos are courtesy of Ferndale Fritz and Gary Franklin, who is a DJ at KHUM/FM radio. The station is based in Ferndale and streams to the Internet, which means that you can listen to Gary and his colleagues live by visiting KHUM's site.

Details of the beautiful facade and sign of the Majestic Details of the beautiful facade and sign of the Majestic Details of the beautiful facade and sign of the Majestic
Details of the beautiful facade and sign of the Majestic.
© Gary Franklin

Besides the photos, we also bring you some interesting comments from Ferndale Fritz on the role of the Majestic in the movie's storyline, the crew's technical concerns, and Jim Carrey:

«The story line is that Pete/(Luke), Jim Carrey will propose to renovate and re-open the theater for the people of Lawson.

After filming ends in about 3 weeks, Castle Rock will leave their buildings in place for a few weeks, just in case they find it necessary to return for any shooting. When I spoke with one of the workers the other day, he said JC's work will include repainting the SEVERELY weathered theater, and getting the long-dead lights working. A big thing nagging at the painters is "what if they have to re-shoot anything at the Majestic Theater from before the renovation?" Crews would have to un-renovate and re-age the theater to this decrepit condition.

Left side of entrance to Majestic Theater Tile floor between the ticket booth (right) and the Majestic's front doors Another view of the tiled floor The Majestic's apparently long-abandoned ticket window
From left to right: Getting the "old" look with weathering, simulated rust, etc... (left side of entrance to Majestic Theater, March 18); tile floor between the ticket booth (right) and the Majestic's front doors (March 25); another view of the tiled floor (March 25); to the right of the Majestic's ticket booth, at the sidewalk, this apparently long-abandoned ticket window. Actually it's less than a month old (March 25).
Photos and captions © Ferndale Fritz

Another crew member told me that, since this film and role are such a departure from what he's used to doing, that Jim is having to concentrate much harder than usual for the movie.»

Editor's Note: After some pondering we've decided not to "disguise" the pictures of the Majestic as other Internet movie sites have already made widely available images of this set.

-- With our biggest thanks to Ferndale Fritz and Gary Franklin. Click to comment this article.

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