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Sonic 3 - LA Premiere Cast Interviews
16 Dec 2024    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Recently, the cast of "Sonic the Hedgehog 3", got together to celebrate the premiere of the movie. This time it was in Los Angeles.

Jim Carrey showed up dressed in all black, t-shirt, pants and long jacket, looking very handsome - as usual.

Jim was interviewed as he walked the red carpet and he had a lot to say. He also let people know the name of the actor who double in both roles:
"Well, you know, I mean, I love playing a genius. It's a stretch but I think it's a cool part now a lot of people said 'I don't know if you should do the Sonic the Hedgehog movie Jim' and I thought what it's the perfect character on the dawn of the AI and robotic Revolution and I'm writing the Z gist right now I'm in the sweet spot. I found it well they were two egotistical characters played by one egotistical actor so I was it was really hard to stay out of my own light. I was upstaging myself constantly but I it was actually interesting because I had a wonderful actor from Britain named Brendan Murphy who did the other parts when I was doing Robotnik, he would do Gerald and when I was doing Gerald, he would do Robotnik and it was like twice the work for both of us but I get all the glory.

It's just gotten out of control I can't believe how big it's become amazing you know CG Geniuses who paint for a big canvas. They paint in great detail and that's why it's fun that you know the idea of people going out to the theater to see the movie on a big screen because big screens make you make you dream bigger."

Check out the video with all the interviews:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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