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Jim Carrey Art As NFT
11 Apr 2022    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

During the press junket for "Sonic the Hedgehog 2", Jim mentioned that he will be launching his art as NFT through a website later this month. So far Jim hasn't shared any details but we will let you know when that happens. In the meantime we need to clear the elephant in the room.

Okay, we admit we were a bit confused too. What the hell is NFT?

So, "NFT" is the acronym for "Non-Fungigle Token", which basically means non-interchangeable token. But what exactly does that mean?

Well a NFT is an asset that marks ownership of products that live online, like art or music. "NFTs are purchased (using money or cryptocurrency) to assign unique ownership of most any type of digital creation to the buyer. Think of it along the lines of procuring a coveted baseball card - it has an agreed-upon monetary value, but the card itself cannot be exchanged as currency. It will give you a unique, exclusive ownership of a property."

Jim Carrey NFT's collection is going to be called "Magic Hour". We don't know yet what it may have but it will be a mix of his art and more, for sure.

Jim Carrey

We are so excited for this. It's so good to see the creativity that Jim is willing to share with us.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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