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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jim Carrey and Robin Williams Respect For Each other
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Jim Carrey and Robin Williams Respect For Each other
19 May 2018    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Unfortunately, as fans, we tend to read a lot of stuff that more than being bad it's completely irrelevant to what we truly want to know.

Even though some may feel the need to make up stories, at the end, the truth and love will always prevail.

Jim issued a statement to Gossip Cop to face rumors, falsely created (as usual) to make two beautiful and amazing humans being, seem to have a feud with each other that never existed and all because of a biography about actor and fellow comedian Robin Williams, that a journalist wrote and someone couldn't clearly read.

Here's the statement:

"RadarOnline is completely off base and creating a feud that didn't exist. Robin may have expressed insecurity about me and my rise to success but I have never had anything but the greatest respect for him and his genius. He was also always respectful to me in person. He called me 'Maestro' and I called him 'Billy the Kid.' Let's get it straight. There's no feud if one side isn't aware of it."

To make his point even more clear Jim Carrey also went to twitter and showed a beautiful tribute to our dear Robin Williams, using his art to make a portrait.

Check it out:

Jim and Robin loved and respected each other. Period. Let's hope some "people" do it too.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come

-- Thanks to Serap E.. Click to comment this article.

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