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Jim Carrey Surprise Appearance On Conan
19 Apr 2018    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

Let us make this a formal request: We want to see Jeff Daniels and Jim Carrey do another movie together! Why? Because their chemistry is amazing.

We have one more proof of it.

On April 17th, Jeff Daniels went to the Conan show to promote his new series and he end up being surprised by Jim, who showed up after hearing them talk about the movie "Dumb and Dumber".

Jim walked in with sunglasses and as he was about to hug Jeff, he ran away just to come back and hug Jim. They also had a little dance together before they sat down to talked about their chemistry and working on the movie.

Jim removed his glasses and the crowd cheered! He was wearing a black t-shirt, black pants and grey jacket. He seemed surprised that none told Jeff he was coming and he joked about the reasons he did:

"I wanted to come out here and say it in front of the world. You're in town and you don't call me!" - The audience laughed as Jim even jokes about Jeff's new series.

On a serious note, Jim also complimented his colleague: "I love being around [Jeff]. I watch everything he does. He's the most versatile actor working today. It's unbelievable what he does. I especially enjoy watching him do interviews because I know you love them, especially the parts where he talks about how working with me changed the course of his life. That I enjoy more than anything."

About "Dumb and Dumber" Jeff had a lot to say about working with Jim: "You grab on to the tornado that is Jim Carrey and you hang on, and it was such a joy."

Jim admits that the sequel was not as well received but Jeff let's people know what we all think about that by saying "F*** them!" making Conan and the audience laugh more.

When Conan asked how they knew they would have chemistry, Jim replied: "When I saw him, there was a tingling in my groin. As soon as we started reading together, it was a real relationship. Dustin Hoffman called me and he said, 'That's the most real relationship, buddy relationship, I've seen in movies in decades.' And I went, 'Get out of here, who's this?'"

We also got to know more about the Showtime series "Kidding" since Jim mentioned he was doing "some stuff later" and that Conan would be in it. After a joke by Jeff for not being in the series, the interview end with a hug from both Jeff and Jim.

You can check the full interview here:

We are very glad to see them together and we hope we get to see more.

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

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