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Memorable Moment: GMTV Interview In London
22 Aug 2016    

By Amanda Gillott (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey opens the interview on UK's Good Morning Television called GMTV with Lorraine Kelly by describing his character in "Yes Man" as a person avoiding the universe, his friends, phone calls and opportunities. He says "Not unlike me at certain times in my life", but we know Jim does this to go and get nourished and give us all he's got again. He tells Lorraine how he fell in love with the script even waking up with it in bed with the pages stuck together, of course Lorraine giggles like a school girl.

Jim goes on to tell Lorraine how much he enjoys his life because he decided to engage in it which is really the message of this film. Jim said he learned so many things while making "Yes Man", how to speak Korean, play guitar and even bungee jumping. Jim engages us with a fabulously funny story about doing his own stunts in the film and what that felt like.

Jim is the best at taking the rise out of what's in the news and he doesn't let us down in the next segment with his wise cracks about the Economy.

The interview finishes with Jim wetting our appetite about his future release "Disney's A Christmas Carol", where he and Gary Oldman play numerous parts in the film and how he's looking forward to seeing how it does in the UK. Of course as always it was a smash here topping the box office charts twice.

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