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Memorable Moment: Coming Attractions (1983)
10 Dec 2015    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

In October 18th, 1983, Jim Carrey was a guest at the show "Coming Atractions" with host Bob Karstens.

At this point in his career Jim was doing his impressionist act and he was about to start in the TV show "The Duck Factory".

Jim Carrey

The interview starts with some footage of Jim doing some impressions and then he talks about the show and his role, especially after being asks if it was straight acting or we would get to see him do some impressions: "I don't think so, I don't we are going to be doing that unless is thrown every once in a while, a little blurb here and there but It's mostly the acting role. It's comedy within a real circumstance."

Jim was also asked if that would be a switch for Jim, Jim instantly reply: "Oh yeah. Defiantly. I'm just dying to do it! It's a new challenge."

"I'm excited about it. I'm not all that worried at all because, the people involved...How do I know if it's going to be a hit, or not? Who knows. Nobody can say but I'm going to have a good time doing it. That's all cause the people involved in the show are just wonderful. It's a big family there and from the word go, they believed in me and they were behind me(...)

Lastly Bob asked about his stand up comedy, at what Jim immediately reply: "I will always do that."

The interview ends with Jim doing some impressions of Jimmy Stewart and E.T.

Watch the full interview here:

Even though we know that unfortunately the TV show only had one season and that Jim hasn't done stand up comedy in many years, we can't help but smile at this interview because it shows how much he has grown as a person and as an artist.

We can't wait to see, what he has to show us, next!

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: CBC. Click to comment this article.

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