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"The Bad Batch" Expectations
13 Jul 2015    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

In the movie industry, even before a movie goes into principal photography, either one of two things will happen: Or there are high hopes for it, or people are trashing it before giving a fair chance.

Luckily, Jim Carrey's next project "The Bad Batch" has had many high expectations. Colin Hinckley wrote an article for the website Inside Pulse about it. Click here to read the full article.

Director Ana Lily Amirpour was at last years Sundance Festival with her debut movie "Girl Walks Home Alone at Nigh", and since both critics and audience have praised her work.

So now, with the "The Bad Batch" that Ana herself says it was inspired partially by the film Road Warrior, the excitement is bigger.

Jim Carrey

According to Colin:

"(…) Yes, the setting of a post-apocalyptic desert wasteland may not be enough to draw a direct parallel to this years surprise hit Mad Max: Fury Road. But what should be a dead give away is Amirpour's specific reference to Road Warrior, the second film in the Mad Max franchise; which is the film that is most stylistically akin to Fury Road. Amipour's film and Fury Road also share the unique distinction of being "feminist genre movies," a rare category indeed.

And this is not unimportant. Part of the reason that Fury Road was so successful was that it took a genre (action) that is usually male dominated and put women front and center. There were no damsels in distress. None of the women needed rescuing. And it did all of this in a way that wasn't preachy or in your face and put it in a movie that genuinely kicked ass. A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night is from a genre (horror) that is known for featuring women as victims or purely sexual beings. In this film, the women are the ones terrorizing and getting things done.

Certainly after the success of Fury Road, a rush to churn out money-making copycats can't be too far behind. But based on the plot description and Amirpour's filmmaking, I doubt she will be satisfied simply piggy-backing on Miller's success. What's more likely is that we'll see a film that is influenced heavily by Miller's aesthetic and storytelling, but is uniquely and unmistakably Amirpour.

All of this paired with the announcement in March that the film would star Keanu Reeves, Jason Mamoa and Jim Carrey has to leave us with the impression that Amirpour is either a genius or has no idea what she's doing. Based on A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night, I'd have to guess it's the first one. (…)

We certainly have the faith that it will be the first one too and we are very excited to see the first stills and trailer of this highly anticipated movie!

It would be awesome!

We at JCO will keep you updated as more news come.

-- Source: Inside Pulse. Click to comment this article.

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