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The Ellen DeGeneres Show with Jim Carrey
21 Nov 2014    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

"Dumb and Dumber To" has hit the theaters for a week now and it has been a success already. Jim Carrey is still promoting the movie, but this time he doing it overseas, starting in London. But before he went to do the European Press Tour for #DumbTo he was on several talk shows in U.S.A.

One of them was The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

It's not the first time (and we hope not the last one) that Jim has come to talk to Ellen and we got use to the funny moments they give us.

Jim was as elegant as ever, walking on stage with a black t-shirt with two horizontal white stripes, white pants and white shoes. He entertained the crowd but playing the guitar with his leg - a very known trade mark of our Jim Carrey.

He jokes about the couch being white by mentioning "Oh look! This is camouflage. I'm in camouflage. I'm a disembody torso…" After that he grabs his white mug and putting it in front o his face he goes: "Now I'm completely invisible!"

After the laughs of the audience members Ellen asks Jim how many takes it took to shoot the scene and how many hotdogs he had to it. Here's the scene Ellen was talking about:

Jim said: "I ate 36 hotdogs. Yes I did. I thought it was a good idea to have them on set. I ate a couple before we began. This is going to be great!. And then I ate the hotdogs. I actually bite through my tongue, entirely through my tongue during that take, just kept going cause we suffer for comedy and I also inhale a sunk of hotdog into my lung and for the next three weeks on the movie I went around going…*starts coughing* and I couldn't get it out so I just snored some mustard and went to a Braves game".

Ellen then mention the long wait for the sequel and questions Jim if he thought it would happen. Jim replies: "I was wondering what's the problem. Dumb and Dumber seems like a no brainer. Yeah! But I was really glad it actually happened, I mean, it was great and it was really because of fan pressure. I'm not a nutty sequel guy, I don't wanna do five movies about the same thing but the pressure of the fans and the love for this movie, made me do it and of course, there were a lot of World Leaders that call me, saying "We need help, Jim! There are troubles in the streets and we need your help", and of course there was the Indian shaman who said: *doing an American Indian voice* "I have a vision. There will be a great migration towards the theaters on Friday, like the great buffalo; their spirits will be set free by your comedy."

Ellen was also curious to find out if Jim and Jeff have seen each other during those twenty years. "Yeah sure, I have seen him a few times… Never in person! Just on TV. (…)". Jim then starting signing: "He's my best friend…Ooh He makes me live".

Ellen: "Was it fun to work with Jeff again? Did it feel like time hadn't pass at all?". Jim immediately said: "No. It was amazing. He was doing The Newsroom and I swear to God is the biggest spectrum of acting job, any actor has ever shown one time in history. As soon as he got the Emmy, he came to the set and we told him to pull his pants and show his butt crack. He blubbered at the end of the day like that girl in Fame." Now we stand here imagining the scene so thank you Jim Carrey for the mental image!

Jim Carrey

At the show we got to learn that Jane Carrey, Jim's daughter has two songs on the movie soundtrack and Jim is very happy about it. "She has two songs in the movie and it's not nepotism because Peter Farrelly loves her music and he's always great at picking soundtracks. He has great soundtracks in his movies and the record company decided to have her song on the soundtrack album which is great!"

In a previous article we mention that Jim had a stamp with his face in Canada and Ellen also brought that up. As soon as the image of the stamp appears Jim pretends to lick it which causes more laughter from the audience.

"But this isn't enough for me, I don't want to stop here. I want to get in the Canadian 20. Excuse your Highness."

Don't throw a bone at a dog and don't expect it not to eat it. Ellen should know better by now but instead she mentions Jim's artwork which caused Jim to mention that he had brought some stuff to paint with. When Ellen ask him where would he paint he mention right on the stage which happens to be… white. See? Bone + Dog = You asked for it!

Jim gets up and picks up some spray cans. Doing a while dance with shaking the can: "This is my favorite part! Whoa!" When the show is on break we get to see that Jim is painting something on the set floor while Ellen realized that "He's not kidding!"

After the commercial break we realize that Jim drew the two Dumb and Dumber characters: Lloyd and Harry!

Jim Carrey

"Yes. Is just another shameless plug!", states Jim.

At a more serious note, Ellen talks with Jim about his Commencement speech and show the audience a clip of it. Jim admits: "It was so incredible and sweet to look out at those amazing, intelligent and beautiful people, coming into the world. Absolutely amazing."

Another great interview and you can watch a clip of it here:

We at JCO will keep you updated as more #DumTo interviews come.

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