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"Dumb and Dumber To" Q&A Twitter Sessions - The Farrelly Brothers
01 Nov 2014    

By Eva Araújo (Web correspondent)

It doesn't matter what kinda fan you are when it comes to good news. "Dumb and Dumber To" was and still is a cult movie for many people, either if you JUST like the movie or the people involded in the making...

And lets face it: 20 years is a long time to wait but we are very good and patient fans. And as fans we apreciate every teaser to a movie we have been waiting a long (long, long) time to see.

Dumb and Dumber To

With the promotion of "Dumb and Dumber To" going in full blast, we now count the days to be able to see the movie, literally! In these last days Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels have been going to several talkshows to talk about the movie and yesterday we had the pleasure of making questions to the directors of the movie themselves by Twitter.

The Farrelly Brothers answered questions mainly about the movie and we end up finding some interesting things.

When a fan asked if any music from the orginal movie would be in the sequel the brothers said yes. "Yes, there are a couple callbacks including Boom Shak a Lak and some of @toddrundgren's original score."

Another one asked if we would see "Sea Bass" again and apparently if we "stay until the very end of the credits, you will be pleasantly surprised".

Sometimes we get disapointed when we see a movie and we found out that the trailer gave away too much but with the Farrelly Brothers that won't happen since when a fan asked about "what percent -- exactly -- of the funny parts of #DumbandDumberTo has been shown in the trailer?" they immediately replied: "18.3%"

The Q&A was short but good.

We have no doubt the movie will be a success and we can't wait to see it! We at JCO also have no doubt that will keep you updated as more news come!

Dumb and Dumber To

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