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"Walter Mitty" script review
02 May 2000    

by BCDavis

"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
by Lowell Ganz & Babaloo Mandel

This is the remake of the 1947 film of the same name that originally starred Danny Kaye in the lead role. The script reviewed is a first draft of this remake. New Line Cinema has gotten Jim Carrey's interest to play Walter Mitty, a man who constantly fantasizes of being a hero, even though in real life he's a weak-willed ghostwriter in a book publishing firm.

The script's fantasy scenes and "real life" scenes mesh together beautifully, almost too well, as it gets confusing at times. The storyline has been updated to fit present day. Walter gets caught up in an organized crime issue upon returning home from a business trip, with the item in question being a computer disk of information. Also, the story is peppered with adult humor - sexual jokes - that would earn the film at least a PG-13 rating.

Over all, the script's pacing is all right, but does tend to drag at some points. It's not bad, as there are some great computer designed moments, too. This script would be fun to see on the big screen.

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