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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Jeff Daniels Discusses "Dumb and Dumber" Sequel
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Jeff Daniels Discusses "Dumb and Dumber" Sequel
18 Jul 2012    

By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))

We've been inundated with questions regarding the filming status of "Dumb and Dumber To" recently and you may be interested to know, in response to an interview with Jeff Daniels recently, it's looking as though the project has been given the green light.

In an interview with 'Rolling Stone' movie critic Peter Travers for ABC News, Jeff discussed the impact the original film has had on his life. Acknowledging that he still gets positive feedback from both old and young fans, he used the anecdote where a fan said it was Jeffs 'Citizen Kane', quite a comparison to make.

Moving on to discussing the current state of production for the sequel Jeff revealed how keen everyone is to see the project come to fruition.

Jim Carrey

Currently being re-written by the Farrellys and Jim Carrey the studio is said to be keen to commence filming in the Autumn.

Looking forward to filming Jeff revealed the characters are still as 'stupid' as ever, older but none the wiser and he is looking forward to working again with Jim whom he found 'thrilling' to work with on the first film.

Revealing an amusing Clint Eastwood anecdote Jeff ended on a musical note.

-- Source: ABC News. Click to comment this article.

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