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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Memorable Moment: Dennis Miller Live 1994
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Memorable Moment: Dennis Miller Live 1994
13 Apr 2012    

By Priya Baboota (Web correspondent)

Jim Carrey gave an interview on the talkshow 'Dennis Miller Live' on April 29, 1994 via satellite. He was filming "Dumb & Dumber" those days, so his hairstyle was like the character Lloyd Christmas.

Jim was promoting his upcoming movie, "The Mask". Miller asked "How are you Jim?". Jim replied: "Blow me Dennis and kiss my hairy ass." Miller further said that his (Jim) head is on fire to which Jim replied that he was hungry, that's why. Then he shouted at the people behind the camera saying that he is expecting a sandwich to be delivered to him in the near future.

Jim told Dennis that his name is no longer Jim Carrey now and showed a "$" sign board saying that this is a symbol for his name and it's pronounced as "Ka Ching." Dennis asked him about his new hairstyle and chipped tooth to which Jim replied that it symbolizes that he has become a "Cultural Icon". When he was served the sandwich, he kicked it in anger, sarcastically though and said to the person who served him the sandwich that he is going to strangle him and he shouldn't dare to defend himself and he pretended to kill him.

Dennis Miller Live

His fans also made phone calls to Jim. One of them asked whether he is practicing any martial arts as he is so flexible to which Jim replied with deep voice that "I am sorry, I thought that I called you." Then his fan repeated his question saying that "My first name is also Carrey." Jim asked: "Are we related somehow?" He also further explained that his body is a personal thing and he doesn't discuss it. Though he has the power to kill and teaching children also how to kill.

The second fan on the phone asked Jim that whether he would come out on the road as it's true talent to be in person. Jim replied that he (the fan) has a true wisdom in him and said he will come out on the road when he is done with five or six films on the way.

Dennis asked him whether he met any famous people as now he is popular. Jim replied that Hollywood has opened it's arms for him. His friends which he had before bore him now. His new friends are like George Hamilton can understand his inner turmoil.

Watch the interview here:

-- Source: YouTube. With thanks to EvaAraujo. Click to comment this article.

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