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You are here: Home > Recent > News > The Office: "Search Committee" with Jim Carrey
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The Office: "Search Committee" with Jim Carrey
20 May 2011    

By Tommy Pihl (JCO Editor-In-Chief)

Jim Carrey guested "The Office" season finale last night in the hourlong episode 'Search Committee'. Jim Carrey didn't get as much screen time as Spader and co., but his appearance as the Finger Lakes enthusiast with funny accent was one of the highlights of the episode.

The Office

Many other guest stars were applying for the job, replacing Michael Scott (Steve Carrell) and temp manager Deangelo Vickers (Will Ferrell). Ricky Gervais, Will Arnett, James Spader, Ray Romano and Catherine Tate. The big question was who did they pick? No one! Fans of the Series have to wait for its 8th season.

Watch Jim Carrey's part below:

I want the job. I really do. It's just the rest of my family's in the Finger Lakes right now. I was supposed to be in the Finger Lakes right now. I told them I was on a hike, snuck away to do this interview. I gotta get back pretty soon. They'll worry. People disappear in the Finger Lakes...

-- Source: NBC. Click to comment this article.

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