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Charity - America: A Tribute to Heroes
02 May 2011    

By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))

Continuing with our look at Jim Carrey's charity work over the years, it seems even more appropriate in light of today's events, to re-visit his involvement with the 9/11 benefit concerts. Over the years JCO has reported on these events and you can see film clips on the attached links.

10 years ago Jim played an important role in 'America: A Tribute to Heroes' and 'The Concert for New York City', both of which raised money for the families and victims of the worlds worst terrorist attack and acknowledged the bravery and sacrifices made by the emergency services.

The Concert for New York City

The Concert for New York City
'The Concert for New York City' was a benefit concert organized by Sir Paul McCartney, featuring many famous musicians, that took place on October 20, 2001 at Madison Square Garden in New York in response to the September 11, 2001 attacks. Many of the attendees were families and fellow members of the New York Fire and Police Departments, honouring those lost in the attacks and those who had worked in the ongoing rescue and recovery efforts in the following weeks.

Taking to the stage Jim told a poignant story about the selfless heroes who rescued a disabled woman, quoted Winston Churchill, stage dived and revealed his admiration and thanks for the emergency services before welcoming Sir Paul McCartney on stage.

Full details, photos, and video in the Charity Area:
» The Concert for New York City

America: A Tribute to Heroes
'America: A Tribute to Heroes' was a benefit concert organized by actor George Clooney and broadcast by the four major US television networks. Done in the style of a telethon, it featured a number of national and international entertainers performing to raise money for the victims and their families, particularly but not limited to the New York City firefighters and police officers. It aired September 21, 2001, uninterrupted and commercial-free.

America: A Tribute to Heroes

During the show Jim appealed to the viewing public for donations and answered telephones but perhaps less well known is the astonishing $1,000,000 donation he gave to the charity. At the time his spokesperson stated-

"with his deepest sympathy for their unredeemable personal losses. He hopes this donation encourages other people to contribute as generously as they can."

Full details, photos, and video in the Charity Area:
» America: A Tribute to Heroes

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