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You are here: Home > Recent > News > More details on the "Moon" soundtrack and comments from R.E.M.
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More details on the "Moon" soundtrack and comments from R.E.M.
05 Aug 1999    

As previously reported, R.E.M. finished the soundtrack for "Man on the Moon". Most of its content will be from R.E.M., but according to Murmurs.com, Milos Forman might throw in other bits, namely some vocals Jim Carrey did for the movie. The soundtrack will also include "Man on the Moon," "The Great Beyond" and the original theatrical score, all by R.E.M.

Below you can find several comments on the movie taken from interviews R.E.M. gave recently to various media outlets.

-- Michael Stipe --

On the "Man on the Moon" movie and soundtrack(from Time Out):

"We've done all the music for the movie. It's directed by Milos Forman, and stars Jim Carrey, Danny DeVito and Courtney Love. And it's the story of comedian Andy Kaufman inspired by the song 'Man On The Moon'. When that song was a hit in the US it sparked interest in Kaufman, who'd been kinda forgotten since his death."

On Andy Kaufman(from Time Out):

"He was so far ahead of the curve when he came out in 1975/76. He took the idea of comedy and turned it around so that you couldn't tell what was supposed to be funny and what was not. Jokes were out of the window, it was about perception - about what's real and not real. He was the ultimate prankster."

On Jim Carrey(from Time Out):

"He's great. I'd never met him before, but his dedication to the role really astounded me. I spoke with Milos before he cast the film, and told him I didn't feel Carrey was right. But he's completely left the Carrey-isms in the dust for this role. I'd be one of the harshest critics of anyone trying to capture what Kaufman was about, and I'm saying to you - he's done it."

On Milos Forman's reaction to their score(from Launch):

"We're just finishing the score, and Milos Forman is really happy [and] thrilled with what we've given him. I've seen the movie probably 200 times now, in increments or all the way through. It's going to be a great, great film. I'm really proud to be involved in it."

-- Peter Buck --

On "Man on the Moon"(from Times):

"The film was basically inspired by our 1994 single, Man on the Moon, Andy's family heard the song and it inspired the idea for the movie. It seemed like a natural progression for us to become involved in the movie. We finally convinced Andy's family that we were legitimate contenders for doing the score and it has been a great experience. But not one I can envisage repeating. Everyone involved in the movie is of the highest quality and, let's be honest, that's not a common thing in Hollywood. I can't remember the last good Hollywood film I saw."

-- Mike Mills --

On "Man on the Moon" and Carrey's performance(from Zone 105):

"Well I've only seen about 30 seconds of the movie but I'll tell you this. I met Jim when he was in character I talked to him a little while and he’s pretty much has got Andy down. I mean it’s uncanny how much he looks and sounds like him."

-- With thanks to the great R.E.M. fansite, Murmurs.com.

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