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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Reports from the Middlebury and Richmond "Irene" filmings
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Reports from the Middlebury and Richmond "Irene" filmings
05 Jul 1999    

More Vermont news on "Me, Myself and Irene" were sent to us, this time regarding the movie's end scenes which shoot at Middlebury and also some filming done at Richmond:

Report sent in by Sarah Dow -- "Jim was filming his movie in my hometown of Middlebury in Vermont. He is filming the movie by the falls in Middlebury, on a foot bridge that was transformed into a 'scary' railroad trestle. I am in High School and found out that some of the kids from the High School were chosen to be extras in the movie. I found that to be really exciting. I can't wait to see the movie and see my town in it."

Report sent in by Nancy Johnson -- "We were at the filming of 'Me, Myself, and Irene' in Middlebury Vermont on July 1. Although security was quite tight, we were fortunate enough to get some good pictures of Jim and Renée Zellwegger. We stayed on toes to dodge security and crew members as we shot pictures through a window of a local business. Our vantage point was in close proximity and a great view. The actors and actresses were very friendly towards the crowd. Later in the day, while walking through town, Jim Carrey's stunt double approached us and initiated a conversation. It was a great day all around and one we won't soon forget!"

According to Audrey, Richmond folks weren't as lucky as Middlebury's. Here's what she said:

Report sent in by Audrey Berteau (June, 25) -- "I live in Richmond, Vermont. The movie was filmed here this week for 2 days. I was really disappointed because we are a very small town and this was a chance of a lifetime to see a Hollywood movie star. They kept him so hidden, people were lucky to get a glimpse of his arm or the side of his face as his car drove by. No one was allowed anywhere close enough to get a glimpse of him during filming. Renée on the other hand was able to walk down Main St. with a dog and no one even knew it was her.
Our town was nice enough to close down the Main St. intermittently for 2 days and Jim couldn't even make an appearance to say hello. School kids sat patiently for hours hoping he'd at least roll the window down and stick his hand out for a shake when he went by. What a disappointment."

-- With a big Spank You to Sarah, Nancy and Audrey for sending in their bits of info on "Me, Myself and Irene."

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