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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Danny Wallace is the 'Yes Man'!
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Danny Wallace is the 'Yes Man'!
11 Sep 2007    

By Nicola West (Editor/Writer (UK))

Most of you know by now that in October Jim Carrey will begin shooting the movie "Yes Man". Based on the book of the same name, by the British humourist/writer Danny Wallace, it follows his exploits as a man determined to say yes to every opportunity with hilarious consequences.

A major bestseller in the UK 'Yes Man' has been adapted for the big screen by David Iserson whilst Peyton Reed is set to direct.

Yes Man

On Sunday I was fortunate enough to be at the BBC Film Festival and had the chance to chat to Danny Wallace about the book and the forthcoming movie.

Danny: Thanks for the parcel (tea and biscuits).

NW: You're very welcome Danny. The book is hilarious, have you had a chance to read the screenplay yet?
Danny: Yes I have, it's great.

NW: It's essentially a very British book though, how are they managing to translate that to an LA environment?
Danny: They've managed to keep the spirit of the book, they bob about in the LA scenes but manage to throw in some scenes from the book too, they seem to have a good balance.

NW: Filming is set to begin on the 31st of October we believe?
Danny: Yeah, I heard that too, I'm actually going over to meet with Jim Carrey in a few weeks. He's busy re-working the script to add in some 'Carreyisms' at the moment.

NW: LOL......you'll need to mention JCO. He better make a good job of the movie.....lol
Danny: LOL......I'll mention it. Hey you'll need to keep me informed of the movies progress...

NW: Absolutely, we have our ears to the ground...
Danny: Hey it's been nice meeting you..

NW: It's been a pleasure Danny, all the best.

Yes Man

A thoroughly decent chap Danny Wallace is the rising star of British humour with a huge following. Currently holding the BBC1 Prime Saturday Tea-time slot with 'Schools Out' he has made the transition from reviewer-producer-writer-presenter with meteoric speed. Whilst his star continues to be on the rise he is rarely seen without a cheery smile.

Yep, Danny Wallace is indeed a throughly decent chap.

Thanks Dan

Check out Amazon:
- Danny Wallace's books

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