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You are here: Home > Recent > News > Another "Irene" sighting in Burlington
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Another "Irene" sighting in Burlington
01 Jul 1999    

Report sent in by Diana Parker -- "I live in Vermont and when I heard that there was going to be a Jim Carrey movie ('Me, Myself and Irene') filmed in Burlington I got sooo excited because I love Jim Carrey and would do anything to see him. So I went up to Burlington where they were filming a scene. Everything was blocked off and there was no way to see Jim. So a friend and I went into a factory outlet store right next to the shooting and they let us look out their back window.

The window was open and we could see everything because they were filming right below the window 20 ft away. We could see Jim Carrey and hear what he was saying. It was so great. After watching for an hour, they stopped for a lunch break. His bodyguard drove a big black van right below the window and opened the car door. Jim Carrey walked over to the door. I leaned out the window and yelled, 'Hey Jim Carrey!!!' and he looked up at me smiled, waved and said, 'Hey!' I lost it and started screaming. It was the best thing that ever happpened to me in my life."

-- With a big Spank You to Diana for sending in her "Irene" adventure.

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