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New reports from the "Me, Myself and Irene" set
21 Jun 1999    

Report sent in by Anonymous -- "I'm a big Fan of Jim Carrey and when I saw him in Jamestown, RI, I thought that was the coolest thing in the world. I was soooo close to getting his autograph, I was nearly face to face with him. Then he had to get back to work and film 'Me, Myself and Irene.' But the comments he was making while signing autographs were pretty interesting. I just wish I could get his autograph. That would make my day. He's a really intelligent person!!"

Report sent in by Naisha Thompson -- "My ten year old daughter Marie was an extra on the Ben & Jerry's set on Tuesday [June, 1st]. She had eaten 8 ice cream cones by the end of the day, and was too full to enjoy the incredible spread put on by 'For Stars' catering from L.A.. She was thrilled, though, that she got to see Jim at a distance (though of course the extras are kept at arm's length from the 'quality'). She was a bit disappointed, however, that he was smoking a cigarette. It was a great lesson for her to learn that 'stars' are people too.

We go to B&J's often; so it was fun for her to see it transformed with lights, cameras, and crews of people. I was a bit disappointed that I, as a parent, wasn't allowed near the set to watch filming, though I certainly can understand why. Its great that she got the experience of being a 'real' actress, with its waiting around and occassional boredom. She was fascinated by the process and the work, and quickly gave up caring whether she got to meet Jim or not. She worked for eight hours straight, and never flagged, though the ice cream almost did her in ;-). The day was threatening storm, and we did have one downpour during lunch (about 2:30). Filming was called off shortly thereafter.

I must admit I had never watched Jim's work before. I don't own a TV, and don't go to the movies much. I have recently rented all of his movies, and was stunned by the calibre of his acting. He is truly talented, and not at all the goof he plays so well. I am humbled."

Report sent in by Caitlin Eliza Falzone -- "Well, I just returned to my boring job after a fun-filled two days [Wednesday, 16th - Thursday, 17th] of being an extra in Jim's new movie, 'Me, Myself and Irene' here in beautiful Burlington, Vermont. It was the most amazing time ever! There were about 20 of us that were used continuously and had to be chased by Jim himself after one of his alter personalities emerged (Hank). Jim is so unbelievably nice and he his so funny on the set. Pete Farrelly had to cut numerous times because we couldn't help but laugh when he was doing his scenes. I had actually met him two weeks before at an Irish Pub where he was drinking with his bodyguard (who is from Israel and is ENORMOUS). He is extremely approachable and was very nice. He even gave me a hug! He is taller than I thought in person, too. Anyway, if you ever get a chance to be an extra in one of his movies DO IT! It will be the most fun of your life!"

-- With a big Spank You to Anonymous, Naisha and Caitlin for sending in the "Irene" bits.

For an even more detailed report on the scenes shot last Wednesday and Thursday in Burlingon, and also a previous one done in Essex Jct. on Tuesday, be sure to read a very interesting article by one of the movie's extras, Scott I. Remick, available here. But be warned that there are HUGE amounts of spoilers around. So, if you don't want to know too much about the story or about the make belief tricks of the business, "Do NOT go in there!" ;-)

-- With a big Spank You to Scott for allowing us to reproduce his article on JCO.

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