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Jim Carrey the director?

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Jim Carrey the director?

Postby shelby » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:45 am

we all know that he has written things like in living color, his
stand-up acts, and most of Ace Ventura. and we know that he
is a producer, he produced bruce almighty and fun with dick and jane.
and he has been great at all of it. but do you think he would be
a great or a good director. in my opionion i think he would but
in a way i don't know because in some of his interviews he has
talked about were he has been up all night thinking of something
else to put in a movie he was working on and he has
meantion before that he has a controling problem,
i think he said it during david letterman he was promating Eternal Sunshine i think. so what do you think,
could you ever see him behind the camera instead of in front of the camera?
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Postby fluffy » Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:49 pm

Absolutely...........but i see him in front of it as well.......so if he was an acting director that would be ideal............Tarantino can do it, so why not Jimmy??........lol

fluffy :wink:
Last edited by fluffy on Tue Mar 07, 2006 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby cotton » Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:08 pm

Yup I totally agree with Fluffs. Jim would do both and be awesome at it.
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Postby quirky » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:18 pm

so if he was an acting director that would be ideal

Depends. He apparently gets really INTO the roles. He may not be able to go from director to actor to director very easily.
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I think he would do very well...

Postby Canadian Jayne » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:21 pm

In real life he probably jumps from one to another quite easily.
It's just deciding what you want to do.
It's like dancing to different music, you just switch.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Mar 07, 2006 7:26 pm

i think he has enough vision to be able to do both...... it might play havoc with his head..........but he's certainly got the talent......

fluffy :wink:
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Postby KC8t80 » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:20 pm

as long as he does something that he will enjoy then i think he would be great as a director.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Mar 07, 2006 10:26 pm

yeah something that he can get his teeth into..........lol.....

fluffy :wink:
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Postby wonderbunny » Wed Mar 08, 2006 3:05 am

From everything I've read, he appears to be a workaholic. While in Living Color wasn't he also writing Ace Ventura? A busy busy guy. All that energy and now experience. I think he would be a wonderful (well rounded) director. Look at his experience and who he has worked with, some of the best directors in town. He's just starting as a producer, so if he wants to be a director why not? He's now in a power position and can do just about anything. He worked hard for it. If he's good at it, only time will tell. But it appears he's a perfectionist in many ways. Many just don't seem to understand him. Its almost like a 'love him' or he's just not their type of actor (probably bacause they never really looked at him that way-wasn't he supposed to be a comedian?)
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Postby shelby » Wed Mar 08, 2006 8:39 am

after reading the replies from everone, thinks by the way
for giving a response to what you all thought about it. i think
Jim might someday desided to direct a movie. i think it
would have to be very special to him in someway. i remember
when he was on oprah and oprah was talking about wanting
to see him do a movie while making a face, and he was talking
about art that art is art and you make it what you want out of it.
and not playing all the notes on a guiter was a sin. so who knows
there might be one day when Jim discovers something and desides
he would like to direct it or who knows maybe even write it, produce
it, and act in it.
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