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When you first heard about Jim.

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When you first heard about Jim.

Postby Happygal » Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:49 am

I was just wondering when some of you guys first heard about Jim. I was only in 6th grade, now I'm in the 8th grade. So, for about 2 and a half years or so, I've known about Jim.
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Postby quirky » Tue Feb 28, 2006 3:10 am

I never saw Ace Ventura or The Mask....or anything 'till Man on the Moon. That movie blew me away. A date took me to Union Station Theatres in DC to see "The Truman Show". That movie blew me away.

That date, I wonder if I'll always wonder if he's the one who got away.

Alot of turmoil happened in y life, but before all the turmoil I remember my mom saying, "That Jim Carrey is a good-looking man!"

So...when I got my own computer...I found this site and have been posting ever since....
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Postby mav » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:08 am

Jim who? You're only allowed here if you can whip up a creamy garlic tuna recipe.
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Postby Kaat » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:11 am

When Ace Ventura was in theatres. I had never seen Jim before, but my boyfriend had on In Living Color. Before the movie started, he told me that when Jim talked it was hilarious because his jaw somehow looked like it was unhinged from the rest of his face. After watching for a few minutes, I turned to him and agreed. :) But I didn't notice just how CUTE Jim was until I saw The Mask (also in the theatre). The soft-spokeness and sweetness of Stanley just struck a chord, I guess. :oops:
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Postby mav » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:11 am

Just joking Happygal :) I was in college when I saw 'The Mask'.
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Postby quirky » Tue Feb 28, 2006 4:15 am

mav wrote:Jim who? You're only allowed here if you can whip up a creamy garlic tuna recipe.

Hell-o. With Tuna Helper...anyone can do it.
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Postby jimliker » Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:26 pm

i was in 8th grade when i 1st heard of Jim. I saw the trailor of ace-2...& i saw his face...sparks flew...violin & piano started playing in my mind.....i could hear the Church bells...lol :lol: ......i was like :WHOS THAT GUY???" :wink:

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Postby JT Carrey » Tue Feb 28, 2006 12:37 pm

Heard about him through a friend in elementary who's mother worked on this new show called In Living Color, they invited me to a show once but my mom wouldn't let me go, but my friend told me I would love this new guy "James Carrey" and was hoping I could meet him someday on the show, wasn't allowed to really watch anything rated over PG until I did it on my own, saw one episode of In Living Color and saw Jim and fell in love...then I saw Ace and fell in love even more and just felt completely connected to him, yea, a 12 year old girl talking here, but hey, I'm still a fan 12 years later so that must account for something right? *sings the wedding chorus* lol j/k (or am I?) ((don't laugh at me Jim or D!!))
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Postby MandyCarrey » Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:11 pm

When i saw the first Ace Ventura... my step bro bought it for me for my birthday on video. i cant member why i got it.. i think he saw it and thought id like it coz i loved watchin comedies... they also played it at skool.... so when was tht film done.....1994/95... so i was 7 and ive bin a fan ever since.. it was love at first site cud u say!?! lol.. :P

.....Oh and tht thing in ace tht he does with the box at the beginin lol i copied tht for weeks.. where he does the hand stand and chucks it over his head.. fave bit!.. and ive still got tht copy today and im never gonna part with it wen i get it on dvd lol.
... but the first movie of jims i went to see at the cinema was the Truman show ... never forget it lol. :D
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Postby Anna Chalova » Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:50 pm

It was 1995... first time "Dumb and dumber".
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Postby dina » Tue Feb 28, 2006 8:02 pm

well its kinda hard to remember the 1st time :? iguess i was @ the 3rd grade or somethin like that the mask was really big bang these days or wait no i dun actually remember but he was really famous here & my bro went to the mask wid his friends looots of times :lol: & then when they got it on tv i sleep each time :( untill i saw Ace 1 then i saw the mask but i didnt become a fan of Jim till i watched the cable guy i was like awwww i like his crazy wild style 8) this is the whole story :)
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Postby shelby » Tue Feb 28, 2006 9:33 pm

the first time i had heard of Jim was when i was in the third grade
i seen a commericle for Ace Ventura coming out on video. and in
the commericle they were showing the clip when he was at that
party and dropping out of that window to go look for snowflake. and
the way he looked with that hair and that look on his face, he reminded
me of a kid that was in my class. and he used to make me laugh ever
time i was around him. so i thought these movie would make me laugh
too. so i asked my mom if i could rent it, i remember it being a friday when i rented it. i took it home and i watched ace six times in a row laughing at everything harder than i did the first other six times i watched it. and since then i've been a fan.
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Postby Happygal » Wed Mar 01, 2006 1:36 am

I can't exactly remember the first movie of Jim's I ever saw :? All I know is that about a couple years ago, I went and seen Bruce Almighty. After that, I became really interested with him, and before I knew it, I fell in love with the guy. I always irritate my friends when I talk about Jim. :!: By the way mav, I do know how to whip up a creamy garlic tuna recipe.(Just that my mom will have to teach me first) :lol:
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Postby KC8t80 » Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:37 am

the first time i heard of Jim was when Ace Ventura was on pay-per-view and got hooked when i first saw Dumb and Dumber.
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Postby Michele Hernandez » Wed Mar 01, 2006 7:46 pm

Ace Ventura too
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