Alrighty then Bruce
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Alrighty then BruceDid anyone else think it was the coolest thing when Morgan Freeman said 'Alrighty Then' while he and Jim were mopping the floors in Bruce Almighty?
Yeah it was pretty cool. But I would have liked Jim to say it with him
"You Cant Stop Me No Matter Who You Are"
Bruce almight is terrible terrible film....let me explain:
its good if u think appealing to a wider audince and bringing lots of money is great which is why people make movies at the end of the day buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut In terms of what i tune in to see Jim Carrey for, it was almost humouring Jim for what and why hes the best in the game at all costs... Firstly ,the film is not funny, its perhaps witty to 10 years olds with mums and dads and maybe thats what it was intended for so in that respect its reached its goal but i can just seem Jim literally just saying the lines from the script like " ahh lets just get it over and done with cos theres no way i can get away with injecting my rocket fueled mayhem here" most likely cos thats what the dirctor was pushing for.... and to top it off the only funny scene in the film is when the new reporter gets controlled by him and goes all bezerk, and its allmost like rubbing in jims face "i'm giveing the onnnly funnny part to some one ellllllse, i'm eviill mmuhahahahahhahahahahahahah" lol love and peace
Well your entitled to your opinion but I dont think youll get that many people agreeing with you on this site. I think the worldwide box office success of Bruce Almighty kinda puts you in the minority.
i agree with you.
i think i wasnt to clear on what i was communicating, i shoulda just put this: the only films which have ever made me laugh to the point where i have nearly passed out of suffication are the Ace Ventura's, liar liar, dumb and dumber and the mask. except for liar liar, all the films he did in '94'ish got me lauhging the most... the humour in other films just felt allittle dry but hey films arent made for just little old me, they are made to appeal too a whole host of audienceses..... tho the ace films, every single second the film being on screen keeps me gluedd like a deer in headlights because hes performing and showing off in manner that literally no other human on this whole entire earth can!!!!!!!! while if u think baout performances in say Eternal Sunshine, while its a nice film, the performance didnt require such a precise focus of the uniquness the man posses, in short i coulda acted in Eternal Sunshine and got away with it:) buut i think i woulda fallen flat on my arse trying to replicate around 99% receeding off all his peformances in aceventura 1 and 2, liar liar,.dum and dumber and the mask or his stand up perfroamcnes .... any way tho films r films, films are made in all sorts of different contexts so this isnt any negative comments, just simply what i dig, ya dig? peace baby
yeh i loved wen morgan freeman sed tht and Jim does a lil smirk hee-hee so cute..... but theres alot of tht in jims movies... like our servay sez... ding ding ding wat do we hav for em johnny!... lol ive heard tht ina couple of movies!
i must say maybe i was a little harsh, i bought the dvd the other day and its definetly an entertainiong film, Jim is great as always, maybe not as extreme as in his earlier films but still really brilliant none the less....
dvd wise, i like the out takes and stuff, funny shizzit... just had to say that....
Bruce almight is my favour movie!
"I really want to love somebody. I do. I just don't know if it's possible forever and ever." JC
(\(\.........../)/) (=',').......(','=) (..(")(")(")(")..)
and i watched it again a few days
it seems this film has matured on me like a fine ale... the film seemed so rich in a quality i cant quite touch.... a real heart warmer.... bring it on..
This is an old interview, but I had never read it. I really like it!
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