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Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:27 pm

grabbing the struggling little mutt he raced for the car.....Would the vet be even open?..........
The little dog lay gasping on the passenger seat, eyes watering,mouth drooling and body trembling..........

'hang on Poochers, we're gonna make it.......you're gonna be ok......just hang on'........
His large re-assuring hand rubbed her head and tickled her ears........

Speeding down the main street oblivious to speed zones the black SUV attracted attention.............
'Shit, shit, shit!'..........the lights behind were flashing blue...........

Stopping the car he scooped Poochy into his arms, she was becoming weaker..........

'licence please!.....................oh Wow!..... i didn't recognise you...your'e...?'

'yeah, and i gotta get my dog to hospital fast'..........
Looking at the limp little body, the policeman jumped into action.......

'gonna give you a police escort i think Mr Carrey......this is an ememergency'....

Jim sighed............yeah, just like the movies.........and followed the flashing police car..............
Arrival at the Vet hospital was dramatic.......the policeman ran through reception with Jim clutching the limp breathless dog.......................

'help her............she's choking on something'...he cried............

'Take her to resus'...........the vet called out and Jim, followed by the cop and 4 curious Vet nurses, ran through to the emergency room..........

'tell me exactly what happened' demanded the vet...........

'well, i just woke up to find her choking on something.......from under the bed i think........can you do something for her, you've gotta save her'....

'we'll do our best..............nurse hand me some narrow forceps'...........

Jim looked on helplessly...........he couldn't stand the idea of Poochy dying, especially not this way...........After all, he'd put up with a papoose, incontinence, Poochy going missing.........ok she wasn't a Hollywood pedigree, but she was funny.....and loyal... and well, part of the day now.......

The room was silent.............all eyes were on the vet and his forceps......
'ahhhhh...........i have it.......here it is........'

Slowly and gently he pulled it out.........laying it on the table and gently spreading it out for inspection....................

Jim could feel his face turning crimson.......behind him, the bystanders stifled giggles..........

Splayed out for the rooms inspection, was an enormous, fluorescent green ribbed condom........complete with attached tickler..........

'Um.........i guess she's gonna have a sore throat for a bit'.........

'Most probably'.........exclaimed the Vet, stifling a laugh.............

Poochy, relieved of her obstruction wobbled over to her master.........and licked his hands..............

Looking at the wee dog he couldn't help but laugh, and smoothing back the tired little dogs fur,he placed the diamond owners collar around her neck..........

Turning to leave he chuckled 'c'mon Poochy, let's go...........!' :wink:

fluffy :wink:
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Postby quirky » Sat Oct 15, 2005 9:04 pm

He needs to talk to his agent. The animals are getting way too much camera time.
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Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:18 pm

that's because it's called 'The Adventures of Poochy the Underdog'.............lol........the dog's the main character........lol.......

fluffy :wink:
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Postby quirky » Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:12 pm

Then, when he got Poochy home, he cleaned under all the beds.
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Postby fluffy » Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:58 pm

Laughing to himself he pictured the faces of the audience at the vets........Clearly they had thought it was a real condom and somehow it suited him to keep them guessing.....lol........
Forever the practical joker...It was perpetuating his myth.....lol......despite it being a joke condom, a leftover from parties past.

Poochy meanwhile was nursing a very sore throat and made little rasping sounds when she breathed....whistling through her nose like a terminal snorer........
'i gotta go and get you some baby food Poochers' Jim exclaimed.....It had been recommended by the vet untill the whistling stopped....

Leaving Poochy snuggled next to Kitty, on their little orange bed, Jim grabbed his keys and jumped into the car....It was still early, the shops would be quiet..........the perfect time ...

At her friends home Bridget nursed her morning coffee.....The sky looked overcast........threatening rain .......her mood was downbeat...............

'What in God's name was she doing here'?..........singing softly to herself... 'three little ducks went swimming one day, over the hill and far away...mummy duck said quack,quack, quack, quack.....and 2 little ducks came swimming back'.............lol.....a duck out of water she thought..

Yet, her writing was going well, far better than she had hoped....she had made several friends and even kinda adopted her friends spaniel....
She guessed this downturn in mood had to be due to him......
'I'm a ridiculous little fool' she taunted herself over and over..........but she couldn't help but smile at the thought of him.............
And of course his pets.............she loved the animals, especially the scruffy little one........she kinda felt an affinity with that one...........lol

Grabbing her bag she decided a walk into town might clear her head, she had to decide to stay or go........was there any point in staying here?.....
She was used to being a respected big fish in a small pond......and in LA she didn't even qualify as algae........

To break the monoteny of the walk she grabbed her ipod.......and casually set it to play at random...................'how appropriate she laughed as 'movieStar' byt the Stereophonics blared out...

Analyse tabloid lies
You go to war, you need a star
You’re in my soul, you’re in my mind
I walk on water every night

Movie star, dunno where you are
Movie star, dunno who you are

I love your taste, I love your shape
I love the things about you, all the critics hate
Fill my soul I once was blind
You turn my water into wine


Movie star
Movie star
Movie star
Movie star

Get me high, you blow my mind
You make my mundane life all worth while
You give me reason, give me rhyme
Do anything for you just, give me a sign

Movie star, dunno where you are
Movie star, dunno who you are
Movie star, dunno where you are
Movie star, dunno who you are

She'd only just stumbled upon the track and couldn't help but laugh....It was a 'poke' at the devoted fan............ although she wasn't a crazed fan she knew some people were ........and they kinda made her worry for him...........but she figured he probably liked the extreme attentions....which bloke wouldn't?.......

Besides, Bridget knew she was probably history by now......lol........so retail therapy would have to do instead and swinging her bag she bobbed along in time to the music as she walked...........

To his dismay Jim found himself stuck in traffic.....The curse of the city dweller.........horns tooted people shouted....tempers flared.........fortunately his car has blacked out windows he thought..or he would have been a sitting duck for fans and lunatics.......
He switched off the engine.........no point in burning fuel, we ain't going anywhere he thought..........

Bridget approached a long line of fashionable shops.......people were hurrying by, the traffic was jammed......it really was a frantic pace of life in LA........she missed Britain, despite it's flaws.......
Feeling drops of rain on her face she stepped into a large gift shop....she was only wearing a summer dress and she knew from experience how severe the rain could be...........She wasn't wrong there......Large fat heavy raindrops began to pound the pavement.......

The traffic began to move..........turning the ignition Jim was greeted by ......absolutely nothing......the engine didn't turn.....it didn't even give a little sick cough...........it was stone dead.........Cars behind began to Honk aggressively.......

'OMG' he thought.......he was completely bloking the traffic.......plus he'd have to get out of the car in front of everyone........plus his car was dead......Getting out he made a half-hearted attempt to push the vehicle out of the way getting soaked in the process........Horns honking all around.......

Noticing the commotion Bridget went to the gift shop door, she could see someone was in trouble but no-one was helping at all............(through the rain she didn't know it was him)......
'i'm such a bloody fool she thought.....and the award for Martyrdom goes too.......' As she ran over to help........
'can i help...............oh hel.......?..........
He looked at her and smiled...............and without speaking they shunted the car to the side.............
Soaked to the skin Bridget looked to the ground, before turning to go.......her heart in her mouth.........her eyes began to fill with tears.....

Jim was dumbfounded for a rare moment..........She'd appeared like a mirage..........what on earth was going on?.........
Looking to thank her he realised she was gone............
on this occassion he was too late........

sighing to himself he mutterred 'i guess i gotta get my car fixed'.....

Fluffy :wink:
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Postby Cheryl » Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:43 pm

He looked particuarilly good dispite the fact he was wet...he had on his favorite Levis with the hole in the knee, they were so warn out they were soft, even though they were a little tight....his white collered shirt stuck to his torso revealing his six pack and his hair in his face dripping as he called for assistane he thought "it's going to be one of those Day's!"so he began .....Singing in the Rain..................people began to stare but he did'nt care sometimes you just have to go with it.......
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Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:20 pm

Bridget sat fingering the edge of the coffee cup in front.......smiling to herself she recalled some of the funnier moments..........Her eyes began to fill up.....her throat tightened...................

'flight 369 LA to London boarding from gate 4'................the voice called out..................

grabbing her bag she made her way down the corridor.............

it was time to go home.................

fluffy :wink:

(adios Bridget.....lol :wink: )
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Postby fluffy » Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:35 pm

Later that evening a tired little dog tried hopelessly to chew and swallow a piece of chicken..........Her little throat tender and raw.........
She started to cry softly........pitifil, hungry cries.........

'awe Poochers i'll sort you out' and going to the kitchen he placed the chicken in a bowl with some rice, then proceeded to process it to a smooth paste................

Grabbing the bowl and the little dog he headed out to the deck.......
The sun was beginning to set..........red and ochre hues filled the sky.....the house was bathed in a golden light.......

Cradling Poochy in his arms like a baby he scooped a little mixture onto his fingers..............Poochy licked at them hungrily...............

'yum yum.........you like that Poochy'?....he chuckled............her little belly facing up he started to rub it reassuringly.................

Scoop after scoop of food puree was gobbled up greatfully until she had finished the bowl........

After,..her eyes began to feel heavy........Leaning forwards he planted a kiss on her little head.........and cradling the dozing dog He felt completely at peace.........
life was good!..........and if it wasn't for those blasted fans it might even be perfect................ :wink:

fluffy :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:06 am

Early next morning he decided to go for a run to clear his head.........there would be no-one around and he liked the peace of early morning runs..............Grabbing Poochy he jumped in the car........he knew the perfect spot up in the hills..........
Dawn was a particulary meaningful time for him, as it usually is for most insomniacs....The beauty of the morning light, the smells the sounds couldn't help but move him..............

After a couple of miles they arrived at a secluded track......it wasn't well known but it was perfect for a morning jog..........jumping out of the car and grabbing his water bottle he started to pound the track steadily....Poochy ran at his side trying not to trip him up, but equally enjoying the new smells and sights.....she wondered at the birds in the trees, she was enthralled by the squirrels jumping from branch to branch....She barked and chased.......She was having fun..........but all the time keeping close to her master..........

Just then something scurried past...........Poochy followed....throught the undergrowth barking......over logs, under bushes, until Jim was no longer in sight...........

'Poochy'..............'Poochy'!!............where was the silly mutt now?.........It was ok he could hear her barking, he'd follow the sounds.........Going off track he made his way to the barking dog..............Poochy continued to bark her lungs off....................
'Poochy'??............where are y.....?...........suddenly the ground gave way beneath him..............grappling at the folliage he found himself falling to the bottom of a large pit..........'OMG'..........what the??....................
lying in a crumpled heap at the bottom he could see there was no way out...........it had to be an old well or some sort of animal trap.............
'OK!....keep calm Jimmy' ....he told himself..........but he knew no-one knew where he was.............plus he had left his mobile phone in the car.......he really was in the shit this time..............
Gazing up he became aware he was being watched........'Poochy'!!!

'Poochy, you've gotta help daddy..............go home!!!'.....'get help!'.....
Poochy looked on in bewilderment........what was he saying?.............she couldn't understand.........sitting down she put her head on her paws.........Jim was deflated..........but wait!!........he had and idea.....Poochy hadn't had her breakfast yet........but she knew the word 'chicken'...............
'go get your Chicken Poochy!!!...........yum yum...chicken time!!!'.....
poochy's ears pricked up............she understood completely.....and running at full pelt she went to get her breakfast.............................

Through the woods, over logs , throught the undergrowth the little mutt ran..........then through gardens, over roads........untill finally, a sweating starving little mutt arrived home.............
Racing into the house she found Mary.........and bagan dancing around her feet barking.........
'och, away with ye'...........'awa and find yer maister'.............Mary was busy, she wasn't amused by Poochy's attentions..........
'Jim, come an get yer wee dug'.........Mary shouted...........'Jimmy??'.....
but he was no-where to be seen...........yet Poochy had come back alone.........something was gravely wrong.................

Dropping to her knees Mary looked Poochy in the eyes.............

'Poochy, wheurs yer maister?........................

'woof, wooffy woof , grrrr woof'..........

'he's stuck...........in a .......chicken...??......no wait......a well???.....
'where poochy, where's he stuck??'......

'woofy grrrrrr woof'..

'In the woods.......chicken......follow chicken..... me'.............
'Whats' that Poochy?...... Jimmy's down a well'??.......................We've gotta go and rescue him..................
...and grabbing her bag they ran out of the house......

Jim looked up at the sky..........something wasn't right.........he was being watched..........softly and steadily he became aware of a low throaty growl.........
'omg a Cougar'................All he could do was pray Poochy had gotten help.............
where was Lassie when you needed her................. :wink:

To be continued

fluffy :wink:
Last edited by fluffy on Fri Oct 21, 2005 3:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby cotton » Fri Oct 21, 2005 2:25 pm


A sweaty jogging Jimmy sounds niiccceeeeeee. I would have jumped in the hole with him and slurped him up. Yum!
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Postby quirky » Sat Oct 22, 2005 10:00 pm

Hey fluffs, do they air reruns of "Lassie" over there in Scotland?

"Go Poochy go....little Jimmy's fallen down the well!"
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Postby fluffy » Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:48 pm

yep..........and this is my homage to Lassie..........lol............

The mountain lion padded around the edge of the well, in all it's magnificance. Emmitting soft throaty warnings, it's eyes searched the darkness of the well for it's prey.........this beast meant business.
At the bottom of the well the helpless 'prey' looked up to the light......Questions flooded his mind....'would help come?'......'could he 'take' the lion if it came to a fight?.........'had he worn clean underwear'?.........but all he could do was sit silently and wait, and hope the beast would be startled away or bore of it's little game........

Mary had no choice but to run behind the frantic little dog......she couldn't phone the police/rescue services until she knew where he was......so with her kilt flying around her she ran, glad she was wearing her brogues...
She made a curious vision running behind the yapping small dog.......but there was no time to lose........Over gardens, accross roads.....up dirt tracks.................then over logs, bracken and streams............
She wondered what she would find..........would he be hurt?......or, god forbid! worse......shaking her head she tried to put that thought straight out.........
She thought of him almost like a son, 'the laddie she didna have'........he HAD to be ok...........(lol..........like a Mrs Doubtfire i guess..lol)

Running ahead Poochy drew nearer to the well..........suddenly she stopped, sniffing the air........there was a new scent ....a cat!!.....
'ggggrrr woof woof.'...........the little dog went crazy, she hated cats and running at full pelt she intended to scare off any stray pussies........ :wink:
'Woof, GGrrrrr.....GGrrrrr wooffy...............wo....'.......Suddenly Poochy froze..........
'what kind of pussy was THAT!!?? :shock: '.........it was huge.....!! :P
Their eyes met........Poochy's eyes were like saucers, the cat's narrowed dangerously......
Stumbling after Poochy Mary happened on the site.........'OMG'.....'Poochy...come here girl'........Poochy didn't move...

'Jimmy'......Mary shouted, are you ok...........'please answer, god be ok'...

'i'm ok........but get away Mary, there's a cat.......get the police' ...........

Grappling in her bag she pulled out her phone and made the call.........
'5 minutes Jimmy'..........'they're coming with a ranger'.......
Then backing slowly away she moved out of the cats line of vision...........

Round and round the edge of the well the beast padded...she had hungry young to feed and she needed to bring home the supper............
Poochy watched, emitting little growls and yelps.........
But the cat ignored the irritating little mutt..........she was after bigger game.....
minutes passed.......she began to bore of this waiting game.....it was time..........
Looking over the edge she prepared to jump........she began to do the 'bum wiggle' all cats do before they pounce :wink: ...........
Recognising the signs Poochy went beserk..........and lunging forward attacked the beast................her sharp little teeth sinking into the cat's tail.........!!
Chaos broke out...........the cat roared in annoyance rather than pain..........and swatted Poochy with a sharp set of claws........blood began to soak Poochy's fur.........but she would not give up...........She was a terrier.......known to lay their lives down for their masters..........she had a lot to live up too.........
The cat jumped to some rocks..still with the dog attached to her tail....Poochy's feet weren't touching the ground.............
*gunshot*...................The noise rang through the wood.......the birds all flew off and the cat and Poochy parted company..........

Throwing down a rope ladder a familiar police officer commented how lucky they all were, (he had been the police escort for Poochy's choking episode).........They were watching that cat.......... she was becoming a little too bold around people.................
A bedraggled Jim crawled onto the forest floor..........'Thank god you came'.........Mary ran to him and gave him a hug.......'thank god indeed'........
'Before you go i'll need a statement' said the police ranger.............They were happy to oblige........relieved yet oblivious...........

Her little throat emitted soft crying sounds........she was too weak to move......in the soft bracken the little dog felt her life ebb away.............

'OMG!!!.......POOCHY!!!!???......'.............'she saved my life.........we have to find her..................'.......
Stumbling throught the bracken he came upon the blood soaked little dog.........Scooping her into his arms he kissed her little head and rubbed her ears...............it's ok baby......i'm gonna look after you....daddy's here (again!! :wink: ...lol)........and running to the police car they prayed it was gonna be allright............
And for the second time Poochy got a police esort to the vet..........

fluffy :wink:
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Postby cotton » Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:03 pm

Poor Poochy :cry:
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Postby fluffy » Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:32 am


Halloween 2005.....location Malibu Colony............

Yet another Halloween party to look forward too.......costumes to don.........people to torment.........girls to 'pull'........
Yep, he was looking forward to it........This year it was gonna be at Pammy's (Anderson... :wink: ) place.........it was guaranteed to have lots of tail to chase, booze, food and debauchery........... :wink: .....yep....he was looking forward to it..........

His costume had arrived all packaged up..........
this year, he was gonna be a wizard.......but only because he'd left it so late to choose...........still....it came with a nice big wand and some magic tricks .........he could have some fun with those..............

Grabbing a beer and putting Motley Crue on the decks he strutted and posed, getting into 'character' for the night ahead, and as his friends arrived they prepared to get into costume...............food was served, the beer flowed and the mood was good......................

Grabbing the costume box he dissappeared into the bedroom.............he was gonna look HOT tonight.............and sitting on the bed he began to undress.........removing his shoes...........

Poochy made little throaty sounds.........she lay weakly on his bed......Without the Blood transfusion from Hazel she'd have been a gonner and she had 23 stitches as her badge of honour.................
Leaning over, he rubbed her head and tickled her ears........she looked so little and vulnerable..........she was just a little dog.......he had a good heart which included compasion for animals, something he was proud of..........he'd seen too much pain in his life.............

Opening the box he was pleased to see the pointed hat wasn't floppy......that wouldn't have suited his image he chuckled to himself.......next came a cape............a bit shorter than he remembered it.........then the wand...........ok.......then...........a dress!!................a DRESS!! :shock: ...........but not just a dress.........a mini dress complete with suspenders, fishnet stockings, and long black wig.................
OMG...............a witches outfit.........!!!...........he had the wrong costume...... :shock:
Sitting on the bed he contemplated the options...............

not go to the party............(unthinkable.....he was in the mood now!!)
home make one.........(childish and he didn't have time)
dress in something from one of his movies , he still had Grinch stuff lying around (boring.............)
or brazen it out......................

HHHmmm.........after 4 bottles of beer he was in the mood to just 'go with it'...........Why not??...........lol......besides his legs were great and it would give the girls the oportunity to get to grips with his bum...........lol.........

So stripping down he began to put the costume on..........first the dress......kinda tight......but floaty over the thighs......stopping midway.......but then the stockings..........on went the suspender belt........then he carefully rolled up the stockings onto each leg..........It was a very taught thing.......... the stockings just made the suspenders and no more................they were like piano wires waiting to ping...... :lol:
then the cape...........fastened at the neck............but gaping wide enough to reveal his hairy decolletage.............
The wig came next, then the hat....................
and finally on with his boots again...........he didn't have size 11 Jimmy Choos to hand............
Surveying himself in the mirror he observed a 6ft 2" male witch transvestite.............phowar!!!..............he couldn't lose .......hell, if Marilyn Manson could pull then he'd be a god tonight.......lol........
But he lacked makeup................
Mary kept stuff for when she visited to keep things ticking over he remembered.........some bright red lipstick, face powder and black eyeliner ought to do it he thought............. :wink:.............

Hhmmm..........looking again...........ok NOW he looked ridiculous..........the beer goggles couldn't detract from the fact that he looked like a massive drag Queen..........
Sitting on the bed he sighed.........he wanted to pull the birds not frighten them away............He stroked Poochy's little head.........'Poochy poochy......what to do??......sigh'........
Poochy licked his hand and wobbled over to his lap for a cuddle......
Sitting with the little dog in his lap he was reminded about the time he spent with her strapped to him in her papoose..........
'HHHmmm.........now that was a babe Magnet'!...he thought..........
'i wonder'............and slipping out to the car he retrieved the little papoose...............
with a little hair gel applied to poochies fur to make her ears more pointed and her little nose eye-pencilled in black she was strapped back into the harness......carefull to avoid pulling the stitches........
He assured himself that this made sense.........he wanted to make sure Poochy was allright..............and what better way to attract birds back ??........

Once she was strapped in and he had adjusted his costume he made his way back through to his friends..................

As he stood in the doorway the room froze in silence.................

'OMG............what the hell are you meant to be?'..............

'Gentlemen, i am the 'Wicked witch of the West'..........'

'and who's that in the papoose'..?.........

'This.............ahhhhh this is my witches cat'...........'say hello to Poochy'........Now let's rock this joint'!!.............

and with a wink and a smile he had gotten away with it........ :wink:

fluffy :wink:
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Postby fluffy » Mon Oct 31, 2005 12:27 am

The group were in high spirits by the time the left the house......well oiled from the beer and 'high' on fun they strutted and danced their way down the streets. Elvis and the Rolling Stones appeared to do an impromtu gig as Jim morphed into his heros.
Children hurried by, buckets of sweets in their hands greasepaint running down their faces.......

Yelling 'boo!!!'...........the group were 'rewarded' by high pitched screams of fun.......and the men dished out candy as excited kids screamed 'it's the Grinch.............it's the real life Grinch'!!!
Whilst making roaring sounds and jumping out from behind trees and parked cars ensured his infamy as a joker.......

The house was easy to spot. Party pumpkin fairy lights adorned trees and bushes............carved pumpkins lit the drive...........cobwebs and dry ice gave atmosphere and loud rock music promised a wild night............
The group were greeted by familiar faces, dressed equally as ridiculously as they...........
plenty of vampire like blokes wandered about clutching beers........and plenty of busty vixens.................It looked promising...........

Dressed as a naughty little devil, the Hostess embraced her guests and fawned all over Poochy.........
"omg, how cute......oh what a darling...' and grabbing a little piece of salmon off a nibble she fed Poochy........'......

Other girls came up to Poochy..........' awe who's a wittle quootie then, what a wittle baby waby'.........The baby talk was amusing and it gave Jim the chance to check out the women....... :wink: ............

Strutting to the music he found himself in the 'playroom'........where half dressed girls, eyes like saucers flaunted themselves at ageing rockers toying with their instruments.... :wink:
'hey guys, hows it going'?.....Greetings were exchanged........
Spotting a set of bongos he sasheyed over and began drumming in time to the beat...........
The invitation was set.......... and the 'musicians' took the quew......
Soon the room was jamming to Led Zepplin, Stones and other rock tracks..........Jim, ever the closet frustrated Rock star took the mike.......
'Get yer motor runnin........get out on the highway........'..maan he was cooking tonight'........
Poochy wasn't happy............when he danced he jiggled her up and down......she was beginning to feel travel sick........

After the set was over and looking for his friends he wandered to the pool area........Hell it was like a frat party.....half naked girls sat by the poolside as entertainers wandered around with grumpy looking boa- constrictors...........Zoning in on one girl in particular he introduced himself and sat down........She was a very slim petite brunette, about 24 he reckoned......
hell, she looked like fun............
As anticipated Poochy was the bait and this little fish fell for it...............
'OMG how sweet'.............Jim told her about the lion escapade......
'how terrible for you, you are so brave..........'......he felt her stroke his arm...............After some trivial converstaion he looked around, his friends were all hooked up..........they wouldn't miss him............perhaps he could have a private party of his own...............
He made the proposition....................and clinched the deal...........

Walking back to the house he flirted his ass off..............he was on form and he knew it.........he'd removed the wig by now and was looking more like himself..........
The girl fawned and simpered.........he wasn't gonna get much intelligent conversation tonight...........FANTASTIC!!!........lol.............
And after a few clinches along the way they found themselves at home in the main living area.......alone.....
Poochy was gently unharnessed and put in her little orange bed with kitty.......Now the fun could begin.............
Awkwardness softened by alcohol Jim started singing softly.........

'and i think it's gonna be a long long time'..........
'till touch down brings me round again to find'.......
'i'm not the man they think i am at home'.........
'oh no no no.............i'm a rocket man'.............lol....... :wink: ...sure am baby...

They laughed.......drunk and hopeful Jim flopped back on the sofa.......She was on her knees...........kissing she pushed him back........
first one shoe was removed then another..........
Then her soft hands reached for the suspenders..............
SUDDENLY! she let out an almighty scream........WHAT THE!!!!!???............Jim lept up like a scalded cat.........'OMG'......
she clutched her nose............blood was pouring onto the cream shag pile....
'What happened'........??..............
'the suspender belt......it thit me..........i've bwoken my nothse'............

Suddenly sober the full horror sunk in...........the piano wire tight belt had whacked her face hard.......blood ran down her arms, onto the carpet onto the cream leather sofa..................the room looked like a scene from a horror movie...............

Whilst tending to his companion he was also made aware of a commotion coming from the dog bed........
To his dismay Poochie had barfed all over kitty's head and vomit ran down the babies head, all over her fur and into her little eyes., she meowed pitifully .............
The motion sickness had caught up with Poochy it would seem. :wink:

marvellous, bloody marvellous he sighed............it had to be the most ridiculous Halloween ever...............

fluffy :wink:
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