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Does Jim Carrey Have ADHD?

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Do You think that Jim Carrey has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

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I haven't a clue
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Does Jim Carrey Have ADHD?

Postby KarenneraK » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:21 pm

:D Yo there Peeps!...

I have a question...

Does Jim Carrey have ADHD/ADD ?
I ask, as i'm an adult of 41 with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and i read on another web site, that Jim Carrey, does have ADHD...
I wouldn't at all, be surprised, what with his off-the-wall and witty humourous personality!! :wink:
Today(14th September) is ADHD awareness Day in America.. I wonder if Jim Carrey is aware of that and if so, does he think it's a Good idea to make people more aware of ADHD... to enable those children and adults, that are diagnosed with ADHD, not to feel like weirdos or loonies.. As people like Myself, with ADHD are always struggling with others opinions and thoughts on ADHD.

I'm looking forward to some responses on this issue...

Karen :)
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Postby fluffy » Wed Sep 14, 2005 7:34 pm

who knows??.............except Jim of course............. :wink: .........

fluffy :wink:
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Postby JT Carrey » Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:25 pm

why yes, yes he doesn't, I don't know lol
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Postby mav » Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:29 pm

I don't know
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Postby kasper » Thu Sep 15, 2005 2:58 am

I don't know... but I still doubt it :|
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Postby asrai » Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:04 am

The off the wall stuff might suggest it but the fact that he seems sooo focused on what he does, I tend to doubt it.
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Postby KarenneraK » Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:35 am

aha...but he maybe on RITALIN?
Then he would be Focused

Karen :)
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Postby justfacts » Thu Sep 15, 2005 12:20 pm

I don't think so...as for ritalin..I really doubt it..he seems to "turn it on" for the camera but when he has to or wants to be serious he is. Besides he mentioned a few times he stopped taking prozac because he realized everything was going to be OK. I am sure he would feel the same about other meds.
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Thu Sep 15, 2005 4:17 pm

I would hope that research would be done on assisting people with ADHD by using natural means and not medication. I wonder how much research has been done on this. Years ago medication was the only alternative but I personally believe there are natural ways to deal with this illness/distraction disorder.
They say some children grow out of it, just what they say about allergies but some people still continue to have problems even in adulthood, I believe.
I'm not sure either, but if he is or was, itt is his choice as to whether he would like to share that information with us or not. Does it matter, no.
We like him just the way he is.
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Postby thecablegal » Thu Sep 15, 2005 5:10 pm

I don't know, and I don't care. He's still the same person!
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Postby wonderbunny » Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:38 am

I respect the label, but I have always believed that a lot of people who have been labeled ADHD; may just be incredibly gifted, artistic and high spirited. (Over the top) according to teachers, parents and those with less energy who don't understand their unique gift. Hyperkenetic energy. Maybe they should be allowed to utilized (focus) the energy rather than medicate. It so easy no days to 'medicate' the abnormal emotions. But who is placing the label upon the individual. Its all relative, isn't it? :shock:
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Postby Appletreeturtles » Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:19 am

adhd is pretty serioues Ive worked with children who have it pretty bad.Its a misused over medicated condition which alot of people who think they have it are really just over scheduled in their lives.I dont think he does.When you think of the concentration and focus his job requires and how good he is at it.I dont see how he can.Who knows but him but that thought would not have occured to me when thinking of him.I havent seen many interviews but the one on oprah just looked like he wanted a reaction and to give oprah a bit of the shock factor until meryl streep came out then he acted like a good lilttle boy hahah
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Postby KarenneraK » Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:43 am

Hiya there Apple'.. and Good Morning :)

erm... I have ADHD i'm 41 and a single parent to 5 children ;3 of which have been diagnosed with ADHD and Conducts Disorder...

You may work with children with ADHD, but you and anyone, that hasn't got the Disorder, wouldn't know, what it's like to live with a brain, that finds it difficult to concentrate and is extremely impulsive, that is unable to be controlled, but medication certainly helps (I'm presently not on medication, but i'm able to focus on typing this post).

I did read somewhere, that Jim Carrey said he does have ADHD...

You say, QUOTE ["When you think of the concentration and focus his job requires and how good he is at it."]END OF QUOTE

Well i do a mighty fine Job of being a parent...Many people pat me on the back for doing a grand job of raising my 5 children...
I don't drink, smoke or go out night-clubbing...
My major importance is My kids and My Health, as the kids have no one else in their lives(their Dad couldn't handle the kids and found it easier to have an affair and leave me).

No one, knew or even guessed, that i had ADHD... I'm fairly well organised and can put focus into the Important issues of everyday life... but reading and watching a film without being distracted is virtually impossible for me.

So, with those facts, i do wonder, if what i read on a web-site is correct about Jim Carrey having ADHD (Which is a Disorder and not an illness you can catch).

I was born with ADHD...Genes passed from my Grandfgather to my mother and then to me...
I only knew about ADHD, when two of my children were first diagnosed... Now, with a one hour appointment, a senior Psychiatrist has diagnosed me with ADHD and at long last, i can be given Medication to help with Concentration and my impulsive behavior etc etc.

Too many people, don't know enough about ADHD... Which is sad and If Jim Carrey does have ADHD, i wish he would announce it ; If nothing else, he could make more people aware and educate people, who feel like You Apple' QUOTE[ "Its a misused over medicated condition which alot of people who think they have it are really just over scheduled in their lives.] END OF QUOTE

People are not diagnosed with a drop of a hat...it has took my 3 children until they were 7,12,14 years of age until diagnosis was made.. and because of the late diagnosis, they have extreme learning difficulties(Due to the many years of lack of concentration!).

Have a Good Day all :)

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Postby Appletreeturtles » Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:16 am

Hi Karen,still evening where I am at.First let me say how wonderful it is to hear how much you love your family.5 kids is incredibly difficult for anyone and youve got more challenges then most being a single parent and having adhd.Next let me say it is wonderful you are able to get what you need to help you be the best person and mom you can be.It takes alot of strength of charecter to do that and I applaud you.Finally please dont read what I wrote with a defensive tone.It wasnt meant that way and I was not putting anyone down.I dont do that intentionally.Now I can share a bit with you scince your so open.I have a child with adhd also and several other conditions one of which is life threatning.So Ive had similar challenges with doctors and medical experts.Now I dont know where you reside but in my city there are alot of doctors who are happy to diagnose a child with adhd on the first visit without tests and start dishing out the medications based soley on behavior displayed on the one visit.Maybe its my corrupt town I imagine somewhere else may be a bit harder.I also didnt imply that it was something that could be caught and I wish I hadnt been corrected so harshly though politely assuming I meant one thing when I didnt.The school system here will call in a psychiatrist and diagnoise a child without tests for adhd based on teacher reports.Now Ive seen alot of children who have unhappy home lives or have autism or pdd or who are having mild siezures where they dont break through but stare off into space until its over and get falsley diagnoised based on nothing official,get loaded up with meds that may not be the best ones for them and come back like zombies or hospitalized for allergic reactions or become even more impared then they were before leading to more sometimes permamnet problems.Now as a parent myself of a special needs child Ive been both both for and against medications at times.My statement being clarified are meds are great for some people but not everyone is what I meant.If the proper steps are taken then yes but where I am they are often skipped altogether.Ive had a doctor use my son as a guinea pig for medications and it resulted in a life long problem.Turned out the doctor was a paid speaker on behalf of the medication company.So before you assume you understand what Im saying try and read it perhaps with a bit less of a personal view and ask where is she coming from to have written that I wonder? Nice chatting with you.Have a great day hope we talk again.I think we may have more in common then you suspect.
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Postby KarenneraK » Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:24 am


That was a great Post Apple'...

And if it seemed i was having a 'Go' at you personally, i didn't mean it...
I have had many skeptical people, saying some awful things about ADHD and does it really exist? or is it a made up disorder to label Naughty,Stupid,Uncontrollable Children, who have bad parents?.. so naturally, i go into defence, when i read something that appears negative about ADHD...(My impulsive behavior reacting i'm afraid)

ADHD may well be a Disorder with many difficulties attached...But i try to focus in on the Positive traits...Did you know, that people diagnosed with ADHD are very clever people, but sadly, they are not able to direct themselves..unless they find their niche... If Jim Carrey has ADHD, then we can all see, that his niche is acting...It comes so easily and natural to him ; Us people can't see the real him, behind all those characters he hides behind?

I think Jim Carrey is amazing!...
My 5 year old Son(as yet undiagnosed ADHD..but i can see he has it), has the same sort of witty humour as Jim Carrey and i've started taking him Drama classes... He says, he wants to be a Jim Carrey of the future...Bless!

Scooting back to the issue of
"I also didnt imply that it was something that could be caught and I wish I hadnt been corrected so harshly though politely assuming I meant one thing when I didnt."

I wasn't aiming that Comment directly at you...Sometimes i type things, that i haven't put in clear enough words..
I was aiming that comment, at the people who think, or those who have assumed it's something you can catch, because the query, why didn't the children and I not get diagnosed at earlier ages?

I apologise publicly, to You Apple' if i appeared to be personally attacking you...I wasn't.

Thank You for being so Open Apple'.. for Me it's one of the traits of ADHD...at times i'm just Too Open.. but on the Positive side, I don't tell Lies... so you see, there is positive in a very negative world.

Karen :)

P.S. after re-reading my last comment, you might think, i'm implying you are a Liar-Liar LOL ...I wasn't, i was just emphasising on one of My Positive traits...

Have a Great Day!
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