i confess
a terrible secret.................i
HATE Star Wars.....the latest one is pants!!!...............and i
LOATHE any of the Lord of the Rings movies.......they are like watching paint dry.....totally boring.......characterisation is lousy.......acting dodgy..........just millions of ORCS.................
Frankly i think Jim far outstrips any of the actors in any of those films........Harrison Ford....a one trick pony
...............Orlando Bloom........HHMMmm....not convinced....
...............Lyv Tyler...........nope.....still not convinced.....
................Euan Macgregor.........a fish out of water........is too capable for such a dire trilogy.......
................Liam Neeson........i guess he needed the cash since Schindler's list...
the laugh of it is....if Jim was British he'd be Jim Carrey MBE.....and halfway to a knighthood......'Arise Sir Carrey'.......for services to acting......now Jim, if you marry a British girl you can get dual nationality and an eligibility for the 'gongs'........ A cheeky hopeful lol