That's right.
Sorta like tasting medicine. In huge doses, you know he's going to be bad for you. But in small quantities, ahhhhhhhh.....
JCAA......12 step programme.......
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Don't pull your hair. Instead, everytime you think about him, pluck a hair from your head. If you haven't cheated, very soon you'll have a new hair-do ..... or even better, no hair to do. You'll need an explanation, ummm.... how about "I love Boy George"
- “Although the world is very full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” - Helen Keller
If I pulled my hair I would be bald quickly... I do not have that much hair so...
Get rid of your computer ... or refrain from using it for awhile (that means no JCO, sorry )... no TV, no TV guide, no DVDs... go on vacation... post a bad quote from him in your bathroom mirror... (is there a bad quote from him?) ... this is hard!
LOl that would be like going cold turkey and living in the dark ages. When my daughter was born I went for 5 years without seeing him and I had a comp but never went on this site. But Jim was still on my mind the whole time . As soon as she started school and I had more time to myself guess what happened. I am sure I do not have to tell you.
Not that I want stop thinking about Jim but for anybody that does I think you should do what Clemmy says but instead of going on Vacation I think getting 2 more jobs would better and maybe wearing a tshirt that says"I am a obsessed freaky Jim Carrey fan" would be good so that way you will get teased and stared at so much you won't want to like him anymore. Or even better HAVE THE MAN ERASED!!! lol man that would be bad!
Having one job nowadays is already demanding ... two more and we will not even have time to think about our daily chores... gee...maybe coming to this forum has become a daily chore...
Yeah Cotton... that's the way to go ... call the eraser troupe!
This isn't working. Now I'm using the word 'buddy' in my vocabulary! It's subconcious, I swear. 'Buddy'?! The only person I've heard using it is Jim.
Here's how it goes. I'm browsing the internet and notice a wee cockroach sauntering down the computer screen. Without thinking I pick up the Telephone Directory in slow motion and mutter under my breath "I'm sorry, but I've to kill you, buddy" *Whack!* Now, instead of cleaning the cockroach plastered on the computer screen, my first reaction is I slump in my chair and repeat "Buddy?!" Ofcourse, I intend to use the word with friendlier connotations in future.... but this ain't working buddy!! .....unh -
What is happening in this particular forum is
but there is no way that it is possible for us to stop obsessing and all that good stuff over Jim. Or whatever is going on. Hes too wonderful in every single way. I have no idea how many pictures I have of him over my walls, or how many times I have watched his movies with repeat, but it just makes me love him even more! All I have to say, is...Oh no. He better run. He has a 14 year old comin' for him! weee!! -lol
Fight it my children....FIGHT urge is strong but you can tell yourself the will is!!!
ooooh.........that's a nic pic.............'oh no'!!!!.........the mind is strong but the heart is weak.............i'm fluffy Fluffy
I guess your right about the whole sick thing. And I think we've covered all the possible "associating Jim with pain" Options we can. Umm. . . would sheer mind power really work fluffy?? Maybe if you found another interest? would they balance each other out or would One completely devour the other???
Hmmm. . . I wonder if you did nothing but watch Jim, listen to Jim, talk about Jim 24/7, If you would wind up sick of him and it got to the point you wanted to quit ask someone to force you to keep watching him. would that cure you?? Hmmm. . .I'll have to ponder further.
lol.............thankyou for your suggestion Jimenem ...........but it's only a Piss take y' do have a life.......and i have more interests than i have time in the day.........'anyone fancy a stained glass window??'......... .................
Jim just tickles the parts that those other interests fail to reach, that's fluffy Fluffy
There's Nothing wrong with that. My advise to you all, Just Go with it! Your admiration of Jim is part of you. Why would you want to change that? it's not going to kill you to be madly in love with him, as long as you don't stay single your whole life, solely because one day you secretly hope he will come for you.
Really fluffy? At the risk of annihilating this thread, may I remind you of ... c&start=24 Now, that doesn't sound like the effect stained glass would have on you....
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