Ha! I didn't realize Jim Carrey was in "The Dead Pool?"
My dad dragged me to that movie (actually, not sure if he took me to the theatre, or we rented it, but I'm thinking it was the theatre in Europe)...he liked "shoot 'em ups" and I really didn't. But hey...time with dad.
I only remember ONE scene from that entire movie. It's the car chase scene with the stupid remote car chasing the real car. Is that "The Dead Pool"? I'm thinkin' it was. Anyway, it wasn't supposed to be funny and I couldn't stop laughing at the little car (with explosives I think?) going "whiiirrrr....whirrrrr" chasing the real car over hills and bumps. I was in fits...I think it must have been the theatre, because my dad was trying to shush me and I couldn't stop laughing at the cheesy remote car chasing the real car.
To this day, if I have the right movie....best CAR CHASE SCENE EVER!