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Postby quirky » Tue May 10, 2005 1:31 am

You know that funny feeling in you stomach is the spirit that moves you to do or not do something. Goose bumps, well that's the Holy Spirit! I look for that stuff.

Me too. This thread has had me thinking for a long time.

One of the reasons that I don't believe any particular religion has the brand name rights on God is that in conversations with people of many faiths, I have found that virtually EVERYONE experiences this.

And I do think that there is a mighty hand at work in our lives. Through my twenties I walked through the grey, dank, murky fog of blase. But now I sort of look back on that chapter in the book of my life (I'm sure the analogy has been done to death) and the twenties chapter makes complete sense.

There are also too many times when I have really ASKED for something, not like a material thing...but an experience...or some success...and it has inexplicably materialized without my doing a THING to deserve it.

But I think there's a commonality to that experience...no matter the religion of the person doing the asking, the ears are there.
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Postby FunnyGirl » Sat May 14, 2005 5:31 pm

ooh, haven't checked out this thread in a while.

Lana: We own about 5 translations of the Koran. I sat through reading it for over an hour once. My dad was Muslim, but after trying to understand how his Koran could be so hateful, and reading a few of my mom's creation/islam books, and watching sermons on television, he's converted to Christianity. For 7 years of my life my parents couldn't agree with each other, and probably would of divorced because of the drastic differences in the beliefs of their religions if that hadn't happened. It's kind of hard to live with it if you know the Koran which my dad believed states quite plainly "Kill the infidel Christians".. and my mother was one. I could get you the English Koran translation we have in our bedroom and find a verse and chapter for you. And I could also get out one of our history of Islam book, but first I'm gonna reply to some other people.

You all, I'm not full of hate or anything! If I sit down read the Bible and look at the evidence that backs it up, I think God will expect me to believe the whole thing. If you disagree with something Jesus said, why profess to be a Christian if you're calling him a liar?

Quirky: I think the explanation to your question is.. If God knows so much, created the universe, and is infinitely more intelligent than the smartest human being, don't you think he is able to know if someone wouldn't believe Christianity even if they were told? There are millions of people who
are told, and they don't believe, so the people who were entirely devoted to a different religion would most likely not believe either. And if God knew they would, he sends missionaries. Well, it's a logical explanation if you believe in a supernatural diety with greater intelligence. It's true that most pastors don't have back up theories like this, and he was wrong what he told you and your mother after class. Carreyd Away, Catholic schools are worse. They teach you to believe faith blindly and that as long as you do these rituals you'll go to heaven. what?! no.. And really. If you lie once and are sorry for it God will forgive you (if you ask). He knows no one can be perfect..

Quirky, I've daydreamed a lot during class or a sermon, or even a lecture.. or directions..... or.....
Ok well lets just say I've been off-track a few times!! That guy was wrong. No one's going to hell for that. Some pastors or teachers are the most boring people in the world, and it is SO difficult not to wander off.. And then there are some who expect you to Obey Without Question no matter what; and if you speak it's like they're ready to get out the whip! :shock: :evil: oops.. just have some bad teacher experience..

..can't finish.. need food.. :( been up 2 hours without breakfast. Quirky, I'll make a grilled cheese sandwich with that recipe you gave me. :) (they were real good, by the way) :P
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Postby fluffy » Sat May 14, 2005 5:42 pm

This is getting really interesting........................ :)

Well, i was brought up in the protestant faith...........but that only meant the statutory school lessons and the very rare church visit............
But strangely i guess it has stayed with me.........i've toyed with Hinduism and Budhism, read up on Taoism and strangley i always come back to Christianinity.....
I almost had an epiphany when i saw the Dali Lhama (sp)......out of the blue....one of the 10 commandments kept popping into my head...the one about 'thou shalt not worship false gods'..............and i NEVER look at the bible.....i can't tell you the other commandments.......
anyway i got all emotional and a bit spooked so i had to leave...........
i think i've already mentioned it this thread but it was just such a weird experience.................
whoever God is i hope i see him one day .....(and not his bugger of a nemises... :wink: )

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Postby quirky » Sat May 14, 2005 5:44 pm

I hope your grilled cheese is a divine experience. :wink:

Funnygirl - I admire your faith and your devotion to it. You said that you have 5 translations of the Koran. There also seems through history to have been rewrites of the Bible. Also, during the Crusades it seems to me that Christians enacted the idea that people who didn't convert should be killed.

For me again:

I think I am verbose. Really what I think is that a lot of our problems with religion arise when it is used as a crucible for hate that resides in the mind instead of a compass for peace that resides in the soul.
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Postby fluffy » Sat May 14, 2005 6:05 pm

think I am verbose. Really what I think is that a lot of our problems with religion arise when it is used as a crucible for hate that resides in the mind instead of a compass for peace that resides in the soul.

Hear Hear.............. :wink:

i agree.......great minds think alike Quirky........lol :lol:

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Postby quirky » Sat May 14, 2005 6:06 pm


Fluffy - here's a take on the controverry. The last paragraph really sums up my personal view.

I still want to hug him someday, but I swear I will NOT extend my hand and say, "Hello Dalai" because that's probably been done to death.

Also, an aside. Whenever I have googled him, I for some bizarre reason type in "Dalai Llama" and google says : "Did you mean Dalai Lama"?

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Postby fluffy » Sat May 14, 2005 6:29 pm

I've come to the conclusion that i should respect all religions and maintain a good moral belief..........i'm flirting a little with the Bahai religion.....which basically says there is one god and all the major players ie jesus, Mohammed, Budha etc were his messengers.......it seems to make a lot of sense...........
but then again i'm also looking at Vendanta........................
yet the closer i come to believing, the further away i go...........but i know that doesn't make any sense.......... :?

so i've decided that my religion is within me.....god resides in my thoughts my heart and my decisions.....and ultimately if i screw up it's my hell..........there's no fire and brimstone but the hell in your heart knowing you've hurt someone, or been a burden to society........and heaven is being at peace with yourself................
i'm sort of fluctuating between both at the moment.....but i'm working on it.......... :wink:
Fluffy :P
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Postby Janel » Sat May 14, 2005 11:31 pm

What a wonderful conversation! Here's my "2 cents"! :wink:
God is the creator of the Universe, He is holy and perfect. So perfect,in fact, that sin can not even enter into His presence. Many religions will agree here but then it gets sticky.

All other religions will describe steps to take or things to do, rules to follow to get to God. But the Bible is the only place that it is stated plainly and unabashedly that Jesus was sent to us as Gods way of reaching out to US. :o

Are you familiar with the part of the Christmas story about the angels that declare to the shepherds, "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men..." Jesus was God's offer of goodwill to all of mankind, Jesus came to this planet for one reason only....to die in our place so that the price of having a sin nature would be paid for, for anyone who chose to believe what Jesus came and did.

God does not expect (nor does He ask) humans who have NOT chosen to believe that He sent His Son to die for their sins, He does not expect them to live under His laws. He does not expect them to obey as His children or to make choices based on His word (the Bible).
God loved the world so much that He sent His own Son so that whoever believed that Jesus came to pay for their sins, would not be expected to pay for them !! but instead will live with God himself in heaven someday...(you are all correct in feeling that "This couldn't be all there is!")

Here's the coolest thing--let's say that I wanted one of you guys to know me better. I could send you a book of everything that I have said or done...I could talk to you every day--face to face, even. We could spend every waking moment together. But, would you really know who I am, my very soul?

That is what is so incredible about God's Spirit...when you tell Him, "ok, yes--I believe that you sent your son, Jesus to die for me on the cross--I believe that you are God--but that's it!! That's about all I get---I don't really understand anything else...but I don't care...I believe you are God and I want you to have the steering wheel of my life...I want to let you be in charge cause I just keep messing it all up..." That's when He sends His very Spirit--His very nature--to live inside of us.

Will we get it all at that point? Nah--again, another area that I think most of us agree on--this life is definitely a journey, man!! As you make choices based on what you know and understand in God's word, the light just keep getting brighter and brighter--the more that Gods spirit reveals inside of your heart, and the more that you live out those "lightbulb, AH-HA moments :idea: ", the more you grow in Him.

The more I know the more superior I am, right? GROSS, NO! The more we know, the more responsible we are for living in a way that pleases our heavenly Father.

As a Christian, I should have all the answers, right? How stupid!! Some of the most knowledgeable pastors and teachers of Gods word will say, "Ya know...I DON'T KNOW!! We may have to ask God about that one day!!" It takes someone who knows God in a personal way--to humbly say,"Ummmm, yeah.....don't have the answer to that one. How can I help you find truth that will at least give you an answer about how to live regarding this question that you feel will honor your heavenly father?"
Ok, this is WAY long and I apologize but one more thing...God wants a personal relationship with YOU!! Not through some other human, not because of what you do or say but just because--He made you. And He is not afraid of you seeking out truth!! He's not gonna get mad and go--ok, THIS one is just not getting the signals...!!! He is so patient. He never changes.
Thanks for listening and sry it was a TAD lengthy... :sleep: :P
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Postby fluffy » Sat May 14, 2005 11:42 pm

um..............you make it sound like it's working for you........that's fantastic...............but i'll keep plodding along..........one day something will click......

except......i've one axe to grind with christianity............apparently animals don't get into heaven............!!!
What sort of heaven will that make it if there are no animals to tickle or play with????.............what about birdsong??......What about all the pets i've loved and lost....???........
I don't think i want to got to a place devoid of animals........maybee they'll let me into animal heaven........i think i'd like it there best.... :wink:

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Postby fluffy » Sun May 15, 2005 12:04 am


Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

:cry: :cry: :cry: :wink:

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Postby Janel » Sun May 15, 2005 12:09 am

heehee--I hear you, but there will be animals in heaven--the Bible talks of lions laying down to nap with lambs!!! This is one of those--"I don't know ones", ya know? It would be mean of me to say that our beloved pets will not be there...I LOVE my animals...but then there is a story of a little boy....it goes like this....

A little boy attended the wedding of friends of his parents. Although little, he was intrigued by the idea of where they would be going afterwards and asked his dad. The dad did his best to explain the "honeymoon" in little boy terms and the little boy listened intently. After a minute or two he looked at his dad and said, "I guess I woun't mind goin on a honeymoon with MY wife, but do you think she'll let me bring my toy trucks?" Of course the dad didn't have the heart to tell him that his trucks would be the LAST thing on his mind come HIS honeymoon night!!!!

I think that might be kind of how unanswered "heaven" questions might be...we can't imagine anything other than what we know, so the idea of something BETTER ( ! ) is absolutely out of our comprehension!!!!! :lol:
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Postby Janel » Sun May 15, 2005 12:11 am

ok stop---I love that story.....have to find a tissue......... :cry: :cry: :cry: :)
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Postby quirky » Sun May 15, 2005 12:14 am

What a wonderful conversation! Here's my "2 cents"!

I know! Conversations about religion can get heated quickly and everyone's contributions here have been really awesome. Including yours, Janel.

I have quite a few "born again Christians" in my family. Including my mother before her brain damage. After it, she is not as zealous as she once was.

I think what perplexed me as a teen was that my mom kept waiting for me to "get it"...like some lightswitch will suddenly go on or something.

I do pray, though. The only one for myself right now is that I can find the strength to give up smoking. I feel so weak. And I'm disappointed in myself.
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Postby fluffy » Sun May 15, 2005 12:15 am

it's alovely anecdote...........but i'm not going anywhere that doesn't have soft furry bodies to cuddle and play with...........and i want to see Tiddles and Tanya again..........Tiddies was my darling baby and she died all alone in the sitting room......i should have been with her.....!!!.....i never got to say goodbye :cry:
.........(now i'm beginning to sound crazy... :wink: )

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Postby quirky » Sun May 15, 2005 12:28 am

but i'm not going anywhere that doesn't have soft furry bodies to cuddle and play with

I don't want to assume, but I think what Janel's saying is that Christians are conflicted about the answer to that question. There isn't really a yes or no.
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