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My first ever Jim Carrey dream, / Story

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My first ever Jim Carrey dream, / Story

Postby DarvonAlmighty » Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:17 am

hey guys,

how's it going?

well I just became a fan recently, like, in 2003, and well, I know that the Lemony Snickets movie comes out Friday, and um, well I've been surfing on this board lately, and then I see the post about all the Jim Carrey TV interviews that are going to be on!.. right? so...

anyway, it's Monday night, and I wait and wait and wait all day for the David Letterman show to come on. Well, stupid me started watching a movie at 9:45pm... and I forgot about watching Jim on Dave!

anyway, it became 11:30pm after my movie was over (school house of rock, which was funny btw), and I looked at the time and said, OH DANG! it's 11:30! I FORGOT TO WATCH DAVID LETTERMAN, DANG IT!!!

I got so mad.. well I figured that I could see if a re-run came on at the late late late show, like Jay Leno and Oprah does it, well I look up the tv guide on the computer and it doesn't say so! So then I get mad, and pound, and well I think to myself, alright, well I'll just get up for the early morning shows I guess....

I was up till 3 in the morning just to make sure they weren't gonna re-play David Letterman... so anyway I had Jim Carrey on my mind all day Monday, and all night, Monday night, then .... I wake up at 6:55, turn on the tv to wait for Jim to come on... and so I waited till he came on to record him on NBC or whatever.. so I did that

then I stayed up to wait for regis and kelly.. I was VERY tired, btw.... cuz I only had 4 hours of sleep...

anyway after regis and kelly got off, I went RIGHT back to sleep....

and ... lol

for the first time in my life I dreamed about Jim Carrey....
I wished I would've written down in detail what happened, but letsj just say some how I got to meet him, through my family.... and

we got together eventually, and lol he hugged me, like this sweet hug, and we went on a couch, and layed down, and I just put my head on his shoulders, it was so sweet...... oh, it felt real too, really real.. then when I was just feeling comfortable..... my mom walks in and wake me up!! lol

it's funny though, I don't think that Jim Carrey is drop dead gorgous!, but his humor, just makes me laugh so hard, and that's what attracts me about him, and I love his body!!! lol usually girls love that muscley big type? I like the medium size I guess is what u call it...

so anyway, do yall dream about Jim? I'm going to be watching his movies more often, and I can NOT wait till Lemony Snickets!

BTW, this is my new siggy, do u like it? I just made it!
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Postby samurai_cable » Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:02 pm

Hehe, I really like your sign~ It's cool :D

Yes.... I dream about Jim... I've had quite a few... I'm always so happy afterwards when I have dreams about him. There's times when I just meet him all of a sudden and I get his autograph and stuff, there was another time when I saw him on a speed boat or something... sorta weird, but nevertheless fun :)

Another time... when I had to get pass many obstacles just to get to him... like claiming a trophey :D But there was also another one where he was rather cold... or maybe it was just that he was very busy... i forget :D

I like the 'medium' size too, lol. There's this one dream, which I'll never forget, is when I see Jim at a holiday resort of some sort, then I go over to him, he's sitting at a table outdoors. It was sort of dark, but there was also a fire going. He offers me a seat and then we start talking. It was a very nice conversation.... I sort of forgot what I asked him... something like will you ever come to Melbourne :D That was the best dream ever~

Those are my dreams~ I really hate it when I miss shows with Jim Carrey as well..... like 60 minutes recently!! Somehow they showed Jude Law........ Anyway~ I'll cya later... time for bed~

Sweet dreams to everyone~ 8)
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Re: Dreams about Jim Carrey!

Postby JimCarreyschick » Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:18 pm

I also dream about Jim Carrey and even when I'm awake I will day dream about him too and often think "hmmm I wonder what he's up to now", I wanna meet him so bad.

Jennifer aka Jen Carrey!:)

ps. my friends gave me that nick name pretty neat eh!
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Postby Canadian Jayne » Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:28 pm

I've dreamed about him.
But in the end it's always.
It's kind of weird, like a BLOCK when I meet him in my dream.
I try to make him laugh but he can't laugh.
Very strange indeed.
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Postby idle kid city » Sat Dec 25, 2004 10:52 am

I've dreamt about him before but my dreams are always so weird...sometimes my dreams are animations...lol. I couldnt remember a dream of him if i tired though :roll:
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Postby -->Blunt<-- » Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:18 pm

Hehe, just this night I dreamt that Jim Carrey gave me his autograph. But I wanted a second one and said to him that I don't belive that this is his original one so that he should prove it by making a new augograph. Really a funny dream.
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Postby Edward Nygma » Thu Dec 30, 2004 5:15 pm

I had my first Jim Carrey dream recently!
It was 2 days before Lemony Snicket came out, and I dreamt of Jim as Count Olaf who was pursuing me in a subway station and then locked me in a room for some reason!
:P But I remember feeling really happy even though I was locked in a room because of him because it was Jim and he wasn't evil or anything!

Weird huh? :?
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Postby jerseygirl1970 » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:04 pm

i day dream about him :oops: ...i haven't had any night time dreams yet.... :(
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Postby fletcher » Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:13 pm

great sig Darvon!
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RE: Jim dream.

Postby Countess Olafina squalor » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:16 am

i had one just 2 nights ago about Jim winning the oscar for being Olaf.
yours sincerly, Countess Olafina equalor
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Postby samurai_cable » Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:34 pm

I wish that your dream came true :) I haven't had any dreams about Jim lately.... and it's depressing. I dreamt about seeing people at school, teachers and stuff..... it must be the pressure.... :? Anyways, I hope that all of you who want to see Jim in your dreams, do. It's always nice to see him in dreams. It's just like a pretend.... i can pretend i've seen him. And that's the closest I'll ever get.
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Postby Gouliovandamn » Mon Feb 28, 2005 11:56 pm

i never really dream about Jim, but i think about him when im trying to get into a character (when im acting) and i think "how would Jim do this" and sometimes i just wing it (most of the time i try to be original)
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Postby Alyonushka » Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:22 pm

U-U-U! Boy!
How I liked your dreams!!! A real plesure for a psychoanalist!
To tell the truth I had a dream with Jim, too, once. It laid in one of my short stories.

I was in a classroom, it was very shiny there and he was sitting at a next desk... the sun enlightened his hair... And I was wathing him, even contemplating... I felt something... I don't know what.

I wasn't a schoolgirl at this time so I don't know why it was at school. And why it was he...
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Postby samurai_cable » Wed Mar 02, 2005 10:08 pm

You're a psychoanalist? That is so cool! You get to analyse dreams? That's just cool. I always discuss my dreams with my friends, but we never know what it means. Most of the time, it's just weird weird places with weird people. hehe.
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Postby thecablegal » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:16 am

I had a dream that my Mum was working with Jim, and she was on the phone to him, and I got to speak to him. It was really strange, but I remember falling out with my Mum cos they ended up dating. Dreams are so strange aren't they?
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