School for Kids and Grandkids during COVID
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School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDSchools in Ontario
And some of Canada are Looking at going back to school My own children are concerned about Sending their children back to school Many parents are torn between "Will my children be safe" "Can student/teacher interaction bring Covid into their Covid free Home"? "What happens when a teacher or student has Symptoms of Covid"
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDAn idea on what they could do is to
Have specific teacher for each group Is two weeks on two weeks off Eg Teacher teaches same students for Two weeks after 2 weeks they teach them From home If schools open, Libraries should open also So that those children who dont have Computer access have some access
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDThose 2 weeks home can also have
Possible optional weekly outdoor activity Meet at a large park with parents Making it an option Leaning on parents gut feelings On keeping children safe Eg classrooms who normally have 30 in s classroom cut in half Say 15 That means needing more teachers Or assistants to help
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDWe do have alot of parks in Canada
Hockey arenas Open spaces Soccer parks Conservation areas Cycling paths Beaches I would love to see a class Being taught at the beach Maybe even flying kites to show Wind dynamics
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDI think some high risk jobs
could be the same Instead of supplimenting large amt$ Assist with Suppliment 4 those 2 weeks Off if they are not working or have The 2 weeks 2 work at home if possible Just ideas
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDOpen daycare now have
At door entry screening or Outside screening b4 entering Where temperatures Are taken of children and Teachers entering the buildings Will the same protocal be in place For school entries Parents need to SEE what the Process will look like
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDIt definitely is a work in progress
But also we need to remember a Little persons sneeze or cough radius Is lower (height wise) cannot spread As wide as an adults therefore we Adults must be very careful not to Infect them
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDThen again
I have a 2 year old grandchild Who looks 4 yr but still we need 2 b careful and aware of Protocol for those who Do get tested and timely Results of testing for Safety when posting Result I missed three of my grandchildrens Birthday celebations due to such postings
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDThankfully results all
Negative but waiting 5 to 14 days for results can be Nerve wracking and mentally stressful We need faster results and better Communication Hopefully schools will do this
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDThursday, August 20, 2020--7:15 am CST
My grandkids are ready to go back to school. They miss their friends and their teacher. My grandkids started Online learning yesterday. Then on Tuesday, September 8, 2020, my grandkids will go back to face-to-face learnng. My grandkids are both in Special Education, and they both need face-to-face learning. Gabrielle, 18 ( my graddaughter) is a Senior at J.J. Pearce High School in Richardson, Texas, and she is really looking forward into going back to school. Christopher, 14 (my grandson)is a Freshman at Richardson High School also in Richardson, Texas, and he is also looking forward into going my to school. Richardson Independent School District is following CDC Guidelines, wearing masks, and practicing social distancing, and being 6 feet apart. I live in Dallas, Texas and the state of Texas and the city of Dallas require everyone to wear masks on public transportation and public places. Gabrielle and Christopher, to me, will probably be okay when they go back to school, as long long as they keep wearing their masks and continue to practice social distancing. Richardson Schools will have desks 6 feet apart and probably put plexiglass between the desks.
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDYes we have same
Protocalls for our area I heard in Germany They opened schools but Didnt wear masks in class Thus an increase in Covid cases for teachers And students Its so hsrd to hold conversations While wearing masks
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDToday I was at a bank and about to leave
When a family csme in and all had Their masks except one The young lad was intensly Distraght having forgot The mask My heart melted when I saw how upset he was Thankfully the Staff were able To quickly provide a mask It just seems so crazy thst we are All so paranoid and distressed from This situation Sometimes all I can think is
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDWhat a sad sad situation we
Are in ALL this protocall can Be negative or positive its in How we react and approach this Situation thankfully Today I saw some patience And kindness Sometimes we have to be Vigilant but not so heartless that We are not willing to help one ANother when we can
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDSometimes
I feel like these kids R Going back to school is Like sending out sacraficial lambs Canadian Govt offices are closed Yet kids and grandkids are going Back to school full time yet Govt offices stay closed What us that?
Re: School for Kids and Grandkids during COVIDIf its not safe 4 Govt offices
Then how is it safe For kids Some Employment centres Are shut down and if u dont Have a computer or cant afford one You are Up Shts Creek (Sorry just had to get that Show plug in)
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