fluffy wrote:lol, i'm sure he gets that a lot. I guess the truth is we don't know how he feels about fans, does he love us or secretly regard us with contempt and disrespect? We don't have any genuine idea which is awkward for his fansite...lol
I think he clearly truly loves that he's made people happy with what he does. Truly.
It's clear that he means it when he says he wanted to become an entertainer to make people feel better. And I'm sure it's lovely to have someone come up and tell you how much they like you, but the enormous attention and constant scrutiny with complete lack of anonymity, I'm guessing he hates.
Some people have little sympathy for that and I think that's really f***ing unfair. Nobody knows how successful they're going to be when they start out and it would be pretty arrogant to eschew a career path because they believe they'll be so popular they couldn't handle it. Nobody starts out thinking that.
It's only when you're in it you understand the weight of what comes with the success.
And I also don't think it's fair to suggest that famous people should be made to pay for their fortune/success by becoming public property.
The level of entitlement of the public is crazy- "I paid his wages so I should be allowed to harrass him when he's shopping".. well... would you say that to your plumber? No.
Actors/singers are providing a service - they perform and we listen/watch/buy. That's where the obligation ends. They don't owe the public their personal time, life, soul..anything. They should be allowed to go about their lives when they're not working the same as the rest of us. They're essentially being made to feel guilty for earning a lot and I think envy and resentment from some people who covet wealth plays a huge part in the unhealthy intrusive ownership that's projected by some.
Anyway, I'm waffling, but yeah.. I think he finds the attention....too much.
That video at Christ the Redeemer of everyone crowding/filming him? Yikes.