Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!
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Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :acetalk --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/aceatalk.gif ALT=":acetalk"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>heya!!!<br><br>Well, ive always liked JC... but after seeing Bruce Almighty.. and talking a LOT 2 a very big JC fan.... i've become a fan myself!!!!<br><br>I dont know much bout him.... part from the fact that i think hes the funniest actor i know!!!<br><br>My friend sent me the Vanilla Ice sketch..... i cant stp watchin it!!!<br><br>My tummy hurts so much! I just cant stop laughin!!!<br><br>Does anybody know if Kristof comes here? Hes the one that introduced me 2 the world of JC!!!<br><br>I told the world i was stabbed in the butt.. but it was a toilet paper cut!!!!<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><br><br> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!Hey Blue,<br><br>Yes I know that Kristof....<br>Because... I'm him!<br>I'm so glad I made you a fan! That's my quest!<br><br>I'm gonna send you more sketches so that tummy will be aching in the morning!<br><br>It's pitty that people don't reply that much here, but eeeej...<br><br>Welcome to the family sweetie *MWAH*<br><br>Lot's of love,<br><br>Kristof<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :maskb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/mask.gif ALT=":maskb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!What do you mean people don't reply??? I DO! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Welcome on board, Blue! It's really great to have a new fan here! I mean a really new fan. Most people here have been fans for years. Enjoy all the upcoming Jim experiences!<br><br>It's my mission, too, to make new carreyholics, hahaha! So also many congratulations to you Kristof! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :lol --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/laugh.gif ALT=":lol"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :chipb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif ALT=":chipb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>Thanx for the welcome nano and kristof!!! lol!!<br><br>Yep, im a very new fan.. only a few days old!!! lol!!<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :grinch --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/grinchh.gif ALT=":grinch"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan!!!!Hallaw! Great to see a new fan!!! Hope to see you around!!!<br><br>Jennaxx<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :chipb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif ALT=":chipb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p>It's better to go after something special and risk starving to death than to surrender, if you give up your dreams, what's left?- Jim Carrey.<br><br>"It's all fake. I'm not real, I don't even have a left arm!"- Jim Carrey.<br><br>This concludes our broadcast day. Click.- The Cable Guy.</p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan.Hi Blue,<br><br>Welcome to the board, my name is Jen and I've been on the JCO message board for almost a month now and enjoying it and everyone here's really nice and polite. If you want some info on Jim Carrey we can help you out. Welcome to the board!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Hey! I'm a new JC fan.<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> Thankyou jen and jenna!!!!<br><br>I think im gonna like it here!!!<br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :D --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/happy.gif ALT=":D"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :p --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/tongue.gif ALT=":p"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: You very Welcome!Your very welcome<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>"Excuse me your balls are showing bumble, bee tuna"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><br><!--EZCODE QUOTE START--><blockquote><strong><em>Quote:</em></strong><hr>" How are you this afternoon Alllllllrighty then!"<hr></blockquote><!--EZCODE QUOTE END--><br><!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :aceb --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif ALT=":aceb"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :ace --><img src=http://jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/aceh.gif ALT=":ace"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> talk <p></p><i></i>
welcomeHey, I don't come here much for lack of time. "Oh life, is bigger, bigger than you..." Well, welcome to our world, the world of Jim fanatics! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Hey its great you finally noticed Jims wonderfulness! AND I MET Jim Carrey ON TUESDAY AND HE GAVE ME A HUG AND AN AUTOGRAPH AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!<br> Melissa<br><br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~<br>"God is a mean kid sitting on an ant hill with a magnifying glass and im the ant he could fix my life in 5 minutes if he wanted to but he rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm!" ~ Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey~<br><br>"Thank God you werent hurt" " God yea lets thank god shall we,for his blessings are raining down upon me, WAIT THATS NOT RAIN!" ~Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston~<br><br>"I'll be back" " Hasta La Vista Baby" ~Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminators)~<br> <p></p><i></i>
Re: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We rock! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START ;) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/wink.gif ALT=";)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;">~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;">J.T. Carrey =0)</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:magenta;font-family:arial;font-size:x-small;">"It's better to go after something special and risk starving to death than to surrender, if you give up your dreams, what's left?"</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:teal;">- James Eugene Carrey</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jt_carrey"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~My Website~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jimcarreyfanjt"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~Jim Carrey Extreme~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/biker.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/luke.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/bill.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/vera.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/mask.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/lloyd.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/riddler.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/fletcher.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/truman.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/andy.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/tony.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/charlie.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/hank.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/grinch.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></p><i></i>
Re: Wow, you are so lucky to meet Jim Carrey!Hey JimCarreysgal,<br><br>What's he like? Did her wear cologne and smell nice? What did he say to you? What did he wear? How was his hair. Sorry, I'm gonna quit braggin' now but I'm just so curious. I really want to meet him someday and Congratulations! for meeting Jim Carrey<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <br><br>ps. If you get the chance to see him next time please tell him that Jen says hi and what's up? and I'm his biggest fan too.<br><br>Jen<br>Thanx!<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :rollin --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif ALT=":rollin"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
Re: Wow, you are so lucky to meet Jim Carrey!I was with Melissa when we met him, but I'm letting her tell the story <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :) --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/smile.gif ALT=":)"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> I'll just throw in *omg he's hot* hehe <p><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;">~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;">J.T. Carrey =0)</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:magenta;font-family:arial;font-size:x-small;">"It's better to go after something special and risk starving to death than to surrender, if you give up your dreams, what's left?"</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--> <!--EZCODE BR START--><br /><!--EZCODE BR END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:teal;">- James Eugene Carrey</span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--><br><br><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jt_carrey"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:purple;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~My Website~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><!--EZCODE LINK START--><a href="http://www.geocities.com/jimcarreyfanjt"><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="color:green;"><!--EZCODE BOLD START--><strong>~*~Jim Carrey Extreme~*~</strong><!--EZCODE BOLD END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></a><!--EZCODE LINK END--><br><br><!--EZCODE CENTER START--><div style="text-align:center"><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/biker.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/figleaf.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/luke.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/bill.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/vera.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/ace.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/mask.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/lloyd.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/riddler.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/chip.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/fletcher.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/truman.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/andy.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/tony.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/charlie.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/hank.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START--><img src="http://www.jimcarreyonline.com/board/graphics/grinch.gif"/><!--EZCODE IMAGE END--></div><!--EZCODE CENTER END--></p><i></i>
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHHHHHH hes so much hotter in person and hes sooo tall! and he was on the beach were i met him so he smelled like beach! AND HE GAVE ME A HUG!!!!!! AND HE WINKED AT ME LIKE 1000 TIMES!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! i asked him if he knew my cousin since hes an actor and i told him my heart was beating so fast and he could tell i was nervous cuz i messed up a sentence i asked him which was....."your my number one fan...I MEAN your my favorite actor!!!" and he was soooo sweeeeeeeeet!!!! and when i was leaving he told me dont forget your shoes (cuz i put them down to get my autograph book out) ahhh i wish i could re live that moment! I wrote my whole story on Carrey Sightings! so once BC updates that you all will be able to read it! AND JULIETTE WAS THERE WITH ME!!!!!!!<br> Melissa<br><br>~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~<br>"God is a mean kid sitting on an ant hill with a magnifying glass and im the ant he could fix my life in 5 minutes if he wanted to but he rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm!" ~ Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey~<br><br>"Thank God you werent hurt" " God yea lets thank god shall we,for his blessings are raining down upon me, WAIT THATS NOT RAIN!" ~Bruce Almighty Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston~<br><br>"I'll be back" " Hasta La Vista Baby" ~Arnold Schwarzenegger (Terminators)~<br> <p></p><i></i>
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