Jim Carrey Online

A Once Bitten Fanlisting

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A Once Bitten Fanlisting

Postby anukk » Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:39 pm

Thanks for the promotion-permission on this board.
I would like to do a promotion-round for my newest Jim-related Fanlisting here. It´s the approved Fanlisting for the movie Once Bitten, where he plays Mark Kendall.

You now may ask yourself, what Fanlistings are? Well, these are tiny website-concepts where you are able to join a list of international fans of a certain topic like a movie, actor, character in a book/movie and so on.
You can learn more about this concept at Thefanlistings.org, if I stirred your interest now.

Well, I´d be honoured if you like to check out Once Bitten and maybe join, too. :D
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Postby Mia » Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:19 am

I haven't seen "Once Bitten." :(
Mark Kendall is SO cute, though. :wink:
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