Dumb and Dumber: The most annoying sound in the world, and when loyd realizes we landed on the moon.
Me My Self and Irene: When his son says "he wouldnt hurt a fly" then it shows hank (charlie) going crazy to a death metal song.
Eternal Sunshine: When Joel and Clem are kissing under the cover and he keeps repeating "pretty"*melts* when clem punches him on the trian and he's like "ow! jesus!"
Ace Ventura: "Hello...satan.." (landlord scene)
Ace Ventura 2: when he's saying those silly words to lead the elephant to sit on the car and the gaurd doesnt know what he's saying.
Liar Liar: Bathroom scene and anytime he does "the claw"
Man On the Moon: When tells the guy to put out his cigar and then smokes one himself, when he plays the bongos and sings that song
The Truman Show: when the storm cloud follows him and when he escapes