Jim Carrey Online

Warning from Above, Boy Scouts of America

Jim Carrey discussion on non-movie related topics or topics which doesn't fit anywhere else...

Have you read, "The Warning from Above"?

Yes, I work for the U.S. Secret Service
No, I am a lousy administrative assistant sponging off the U.S. government in Washington D.C.
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Warning from Above, Boy Scouts of America

Postby drazdikjr » Tue Dec 05, 2006 10:49 pm

I appreciate all thespian works including literary art. Some persons may tell you to climb a tree based on your ideas where others will listen and try and ascertain the value of your notions. Jim Carrey seems to be a very talented comedian willing to take risks for survival. His survival insticts like an comedic animal waiting to be slaughtered keep him on his feet running. This fuels his very essence. However, what is his duty? To his family, or his country?

Warning from Above is a very old story of the U.S. Secret Service recruiting Boy Scouts of America. The main character Secret Service agent Gates is on a secret mission into South America and he recruits members of a scout troop called the "Wolf Pack". Noble trustworthy citizens of the United States willing to take risks as a duty for their country.

Is Jim Carrey a noble person, does he have fidelity to his family? What is his duty? Will he be virtuous, or become just another Canuck looking for a few U.S. dollars to take back across the boarder into Canada?
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Postby fluffy » Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:32 pm

duty???.....geez it's 2006........surely the idea of duty to the state is defunct by now...Jim's duty if he has one, is surely to be a decent human being....and to be happy....but then i am British and we have a different perspective on things i guess......As a European we have different views......

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Postby shamaho » Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:34 am

this guy is totally out there....not even worth the time to respond, but to say "you're insane"!!
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Postby fluffy » Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:57 am

lol...yeah i think you are right .......lol........i guess i was trying too hard to be polite.......lmao....he/she has some odd ideas :D :D .......lol........

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Postby babygirl_lace » Thu Dec 07, 2006 4:22 am

Harsh much?
I think Jim Carrey doesn't take US dollars and take it to Canada. I think he has very high fiedelity to his family and his country...you're family is of upmost importance, at least I think it should be. To say he has a duty...to either his country or his family (if I am getting that correctly) I am sorry I would choose my family. I love my country, but sometimes I think Land of the Free is ridiculous because we are not free, and we are not always the smartest in how we deal with things. If I had money like Jim Carrey, I would give to my country and family, but my family would come first...I would love to be able to hand out a million dollars to someone in the country who really needed it. I think Jim Carrey has done a lot of charity for his country and I am a hundred percent positive he helps his family...who wouldn't.

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Postby fluffy » Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:41 am

but he will give to his country :wink: imagine the tax he has to pay.. :lol:.he must have to give them squillions in tax.....he should come to Scotland and be a tax exile.........lol

fluffy :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby babygirl_lace » Thu Dec 07, 2006 5:46 pm

lol fluffs...I agree on that, the whole having to pay a lot in Taxes...that would suck lol

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Postby Jessica Bezerra Dos Santo » Mon Dec 18, 2006 6:45 pm

not! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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