I appreciate all thespian works including literary art. Some persons may tell you to climb a tree based on your ideas where others will listen and try and ascertain the value of your notions. Jim Carrey seems to be a very talented comedian willing to take risks for survival. His survival insticts like an comedic animal waiting to be slaughtered keep him on his feet running. This fuels his very essence. However, what is his duty? To his family, or his country?
Warning from Above is a very old story of the U.S. Secret Service recruiting Boy Scouts of America. The main character Secret Service agent Gates is on a secret mission into South America and he recruits members of a scout troop called the "Wolf Pack". Noble trustworthy citizens of the United States willing to take risks as a duty for their country.
Is Jim Carrey a noble person, does he have fidelity to his family? What is his duty? Will he be virtuous, or become just another Canuck looking for a few U.S. dollars to take back across the boarder into Canada?