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Ace Ventura 3: Cougar Mountian

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Ace Ventura 3: Cougar Mountian

Postby Sampsonight » Tue Sep 05, 2006 4:47 am

I think Ace Ventura Needs another movie myself, make it a trilogy in my opinion. Ace Ventura 3: Escape From Cougar Mountian. Hypothetic Name for the title. Make it so Ace is hired to investigate a shortage of cougars and discovers a terrorist plot on a mountion. He discovers that the terrorist are using the cougars to eat little kids and people and stuff. He uses his power to bond with animals to help free the cougars and save the surviving villagers from torcher. Put IF HOPE DIES in it. They are from my area Upstate New York. They are on the same record label as Cannibal Corpse. Cannibal Corpse was on the Ace Ventura: Pet Detective and are on METAL BLADE RECORDS. They are from my area Upstate New York. Hypothetical Idea not intended to be taken seriously. Put Dan Marino in it again two and the African American fellow off of Surf Ninjas. That would be cool to see.

Do you know what else would be sick!!!! A Film by The Farrelly Brothers that had Charlie Baileygates team up with Woody Harrelson's Character on Kingpin there Roy Munson. Roy and Charlie would have to bowl against Bill Murray and either Ben Stiller or Randy Quaid there that Amish Kid. HAHAHA I have too much time on my hands.
You'd shut your mouth if you knew what was good for you buddy! Give me that booze YOU LITTLE PUMPKIN PIE HAIR CUTTED FREAK!!! HAHA... LET ME TELL YA SUMPFIN!!!
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Postby MandyCarrey » Mon Sep 11, 2006 5:36 pm

LOL interesting idea Sampsonight..... :lol: and welcome to the forum!!
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