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forgeries of Jims signature on e-bay

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forgeries of Jims signature on e-bay

Postby susieboxer » Tue Jul 01, 2003 2:47 pm

Hi<br> I'm a big fan of Jims in the uk so I logged onto e-bay and bidded on what was supposed to be a genuine signed photo infact the one that is used on this site (the black and white one )then I saw 3 others and it turned out to be a fake! how can I tell if theres areal one or not ? this one even had a certificate of authenticity <br>Susie <p></p><i></i>
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Re: forgeries of Jims signature on e-bay

Postby gothichyppie » Tue Jul 01, 2003 6:56 pm

If you're talking about that old b&w pic that was shot around 1994 with '<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>Spank very much</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->' written on it, yeah, it's definitely a fake!<br>I actually got 4 copies of it (for each sent letter)! <!--EZCODE EMOTICON START 8o --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/nerd.gif ALT="8o"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p><!--EZCODE FONT START--><span style="font-family:georgia;"><!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><em>A n d r e a</em><!--EZCODE ITALIC END--></span><!--EZCODE FONT END--></p><i></i>
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Re: forgeries of Jims signature on e-bay

Postby susieboxer » Wed Jul 02, 2003 8:42 am

This photo in question, with "spank you very much" on It was supposed to have a COA so now I dont know what to do as I dont feel i can trust any photos to have a "genuine signature anymore,I actually e-mailed e-bay in the end cos i was so fed up about it<br>Susie <p></p><i></i>
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Re: forgeries of Jims signature on e-bay

Postby Cheryl Anna » Tue Jul 08, 2003 3:28 pm

That's an unfortunate occurence. Leave negative or neutral feedback for the seller. That's is what you should do. There should not be a dishonest dealer on e-bay. As a seller on e-bay, I am extremely honest and describe the item for sale accurately. (I am not soliciting here. I sell old books and magazines.) In your feedback write something like-this seller did not send a COA as promised. It is a copy. <p></p><i></i>
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Postby phantom » Thu Jul 17, 2003 12:39 pm

Hey. i will not say that every autograph on ebay is a fake, but most of them are.<br>I buyed one and it's -lucky for me- a real one, but you never know for sure. <p></p><i></i>
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