Jim Carrey Online

Unnatural Acts

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Unnatural Acts

Postby xaddy » Mon Nov 13, 2000 5:18 pm

Im looking for a copy of Unnatural acts by Jim Carrey which i believe aired on showtime.I can not find it on video and hope someone may have copy.Please let me know at xaddy@aol.com <p></p><i></i>


Postby Carrioline420us » Wed Aug 15, 2001 1:41 am

I would also lve to know how to get a hold of a copy of that or anyother made for TV special. (i.e. any In Living Color, the Comedy Store special) I found an old movie called Rubber Face and a tape of the first 4 episodes of Duck Factory. I had Once Bitten on tape, but unfortunetly lost it. Any hints, please let me know.<br><br>Carrie <p></p><i></i>

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