Describe Jim in one wordNo, no it was a few days ago. Let me show you the tortured post :lol ... 8&start=62 You see, it was three different posts when I posted, the next day lo and behold it was clubbed into one! Hey I actually don't care if my posts are altered. This isn't a national security issue :lol.....but it would be nice to know ahead and why. That's all I was having some fun with it. "A lion who acts like a monkey" is Jim's part-quote from the interview. I'm still reeling from that interview. I understood almost all of it -
.........oh ......that was it wasn't didn't mean the only way i could save the posts was to do that............sorry.........i wan't paying attention to what i was want me to eat goat droppings ???? do they sell those in Wallmart??....... fluffy Fluffy
My clogs are missing! "When in doubt, tell the truth."
Mark Twain
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