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Postby JT Carrey » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:21 pm

LOL so kind of like a self-love type of thing huh?
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby Sleeves » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:28 pm

nope, it's a seduction thing.
Forget about yourself when you're doing it, just look at your face and your eyes, and think of them as that; just someone's eyes and face, pretend you don't know the face that's staring back at you, and then do the exercise. Wink, make your eyes big small, try looking sexy, then innocent etc, you will laugh like crazy in the process!! hysterically I promise, but then you'll notice one glanze that makes you go " oooh what was that" and then you'll try it again, finally you'll be able to go wow that's sexy and really feel you're own butterflies! Try it! it's crucial in seduction. It's not so much about loving yourself as it is to learn to use a certain look.
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Postby JT Carrey » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:29 pm

ah ha...I see ;) I'm gonna feel weird doing that, but I'm giving you a chance to make me act stupid :P
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby Sleeves » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:34 pm

Everyone feels funny doing it, but it's gonna be worth it, just think about the effect it will have
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Postby JT Carrey » Fri Jul 16, 2004 7:37 pm

yea, ok well I'll try LOL :P
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby Belbee » Sun Jul 18, 2004 4:00 am

Ah JT, I love you shorter hair and colour, I think that it looks great on you! After dying my hair blonde for the past few years, I've decided that brunette is better! :)
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Hairy Subject

Postby carreyd away » Sun Jul 18, 2004 11:34 am

I just posted this in the "Members" section, but I thought I'd post it here as well.

"Isn't it funny how attached we become to a certain hairstyle? I recently lost my best friend to cancer. Her main concern when going through chemo was that she would lose her hair. When the time came to shave her head, she was actually smokin hot so she decided to not wear a wig after all.

My hair grows at an enormous speed. Since I never know what to do with it. I just grow it because I got tired of having to cut it every other month. Now I only cut it once a year, have 10" in length or more cut off and mail the hair to "Locks of Love" which makes wigs for cancer patients. They need at least 10" of hair to donate. This year I cut off 14" and went into shock as I had not had my hair that short in a long time. It took about a week to adjust, but now I really like it. Three months have passed and it really looks good. Hair is just hair, it will grow back eventually. Be thankful that you get to keep yours. Instead of fighting your hair to look like it used to, embrace it as something new & different. If it means using 40 clippys to pin everything down then do it. My best advice is: Be creative, try something new instead of trying to get it to look the way it used to. It will help your self esteem and keep you from going batty!

Final note: You never look as bad as you think to other people, we are our own worst critic. 8) "

Now that I've seen your photo, you look amazing! Girl, you are rockin' that short hair cut!
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Postby JT Carrey » Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:47 am

LOL whats funny is I took a stupid dork photo and you all like it, that's scary LOL you should see my Disneyland costume (uniform) OMG I look like a paperboy
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby Sleeves » Mon Jul 19, 2004 12:42 pm

I wanna see pics!! I love pics!
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Great pics!

Postby Canadian Jayne » Mon Jul 19, 2004 4:02 pm

There is nothing better than feeling good about yourself. Once you love yourself(not vainly) loving others is a whole lot easier.
When you say to yourself in the mirror" Hmmm," I look pretty good today", I think usually you'll start your day off pretty good, it doesn't say how the day will end, but it makes you feel good from the beginning anyway.
Just think though now you have two characters:
The Blonde
The Brunette
this could take you places, great pics!
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my thoughts on this

Postby Sleeves » Mon Jul 19, 2004 5:40 pm

Loving yourself can never be in "vain" true love is always pure. If you're "vain" it means you're insecure and haven't truly loved yourself in the way you truly can.
Vanity is just that, "in vain" it doesn't lead to anything. Love has no need for a physical reality it exists anyway
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Postby JT Carrey » Mon Jul 19, 2004 9:32 pm

yea you guys are right, reminds me of a song hmmmm anyway, I'll post pics later today, omg it's freakin 92 degrees in L.A. today, I work in Anaheim where it reaches over 100 and I work outside, talk about torture, I hope I don't faint out there (I'm a very very sensitive person) anyway, I'll post a pic either in a few minutes of later today lol I look like a dork tho, oh but I was called this morning (actually 1:30pm, phone woke me up) to do a music video for Saliva (rock group) and I forgot to tell them my hair was short eek!! hopefully they won't think omg what the hell is that LOL
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby JT Carrey » Mon Jul 19, 2004 11:39 pm

k here's a pic of my lameness


I look like a paperboy emphasis on boy
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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Postby Belbee » Tue Jul 20, 2004 3:39 am

Awww JT, you don't look like a boy! And yay for the music video job! Although what's with the middle of the night call???
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Postby JT Carrey » Tue Jul 20, 2004 8:23 am

1:30pm not am lol thanks, I still think I look boyish tho lol
~*~J.T. Carrey~*~

"I was sitting back in my chair thinking 'this can't be about urine'" - Jim talking about the musical Urinetown :D
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