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Ace Ventura vs The Crocodile Hunter

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Ace Ventura vs The Crocodile Hunter

Postby Belbee » Wed Sep 03, 2003 12:22 am

I was watching When Nature Calls again last night and when the scene came when Ace was wrestling the crocodile a thought popped into my head. If Jim was ever gonna do a third Ace film (I know it won't happen but anyway), it would be funny to see Ace take on Steve Irwin! lol! Freddy vs Jason is doing well in the cinemas at the moment, it would be so funny to see Ace take on the Crocodile Hunter and beat him hands down! lol! <br><br>Sorry didn't get much sleep last night so I tend to come up with silly ideas! <p></p><i></i>
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ace wins

Postby funnymanfan82 » Wed Sep 03, 2003 2:25 am

if they did match up, ace would win all the way...and irwin is eaten alive...not so much a croc hunter fan...lol<!--EZCODE EMOTICON START :b --><img src=http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/tongue.gif ALT=":b"><!--EZCODE EMOTICON END--> <p></p><i></i>
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Postby phantom » Sat Sep 06, 2003 6:20 am

Ehr... I think Jim would win anyway, but i like it when a (fake) croc rip his shirt off... <p></p><i></i>
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