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The Marvelous Marriage

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The Marvelous Marriage

Postby Snicket Fan » Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:01 am

The Marvelous Marriage is of course going to be put into the Lemony Snicket movie, but it's location is a bit different than the books, according to the video game. In the video game, The Marvelous Marriage does not show up until the very end, when in the books it was at the end of the first book. Being as the movie is based on the first three books, this would make it after book three. Although this is a mistake, it's a good one. It makes for a nice finale. You know.. The lights go out and Olaf's last words are...

Wherever you go, I'll find you! You can never escape me! [maniacal laughter]

All in all, it will be a fantastic movie.
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Postby kkvillegas13 » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:44 pm

Do you think they will do that in the movie?? That would make me so mad.
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